Chapter 5

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I woke up on the couch. Must've crashed here last night. Still half asleep, I rubbed my eyes. I heard two people talking in the kitchen. I only recognized one of the voices, which was Rick's, but the other was a woman of who's voice I've never heard before. I stayed laying down, listening to their conversation.

"We're running low on food. There's just no place to scavenge anymore," Rick said, irritated, from what I could tell.

"What about that small outlet we went to a month ago?" The woman said, her voice deeper than I expected.

"No, Daryl and I went there a week ago and everything's just...gone. We've been through every place around here, and then some," Rick replied.

There was a moment where no one said anything.

And then Rick continued. "Maybe we can-"

I sat up and turned around to them, interrupting Rick. I knew what outlet they were talking about, it was about 4 miles away. I tried to pick up some supplies there a couple days ago, and it was cleared out. But about 50 miles from here there's an abandoned train station. I guess people didn't think to check there for supplies, but there was  a ton. Probably all left over from people who holed up in the station. And from what I heard of this conversation, it was their only chance.

"There's a convenience store about 50 miles from here. I don't think anyone else knows about it. It's almost untouched last time I saw it. Barely any dead," I said.

I looked at the woman. She had brown skin and dreadlocks. Her outfit was mostly black. She stared at me, but I was unsure what her expression meant.

But looking at Rick, I immediately knew he didn't like to be told what to do.

"Have you been eavesdropping?" He tilted his head, annoyed. "You don't need to be getting involved in this. This isn't any of your bus-"

I interrupted him. "I'm trying to help you, asshole. And I suggest you take my advice if you don't wanna search for weeks trying to find another place to gather supplies. Looks like you don't have that much time, considering your numbers," I said, obviously irritated. Rick really didn't trust me. Now I know how everyone in my past groups felt.

"I don't need your advice!" Rick said, raising his volume.

I was about to retaliate to his ignorant comment, until the woman broke in.

"She's only trying to help. And I agree with her." I looked at her in astonishment. I didn't think anyone here, especially someone who I didn't know in the slightest, would accept me, let alone defend me.

"Michonne.." Rick started, but she didn't let him talk.

So this is Michonne. I remember Maggie telling me that Michonne and Rick were in a relationship. And not a bad one.

Well, if someone can love Rick, he must not be all that bad.

"We should go. We'll look from a distance. If it's not safe, we don't go," Michonne said, implying they go to the station I mentioned.
"It's the only chance we've got."

"I'll get a map and give you directions if you want," I said to Rick, trying not to be prod.

"No, I'll find it," Rick said, looking at me quickly, and leaving, walking out the door and almost slamming it behind him. Michonne sighed and put her elbow on the counter, resting her head on her hand.

"How do you put up with that?" I asked her, still looking at the shaking door.

"Have to. Gotta make sure he's okay...make sure he stays okay," She replied.

I wanted to ask what happened to him because, surely, someone with his attitude had to have been through something. Especially if Michonne had to make sure he 'stays okay'. But it seemed insensitive. I didn't know much about Rick, and I know how I'd feel if someone asked me what happened to me out there. So I just looked at Michonne with an almost apologetic look.

"I'm gonna go for a walk," I said, double checking to make sure my emergency knife was still in my boot, pretending to adjust my sock. I felt around my waist out of habit to feel the cold steel of my knife, the metal of my gun. But they weren't there. Rick had taken them at the gat. Do they really think I'd hurt an innocent person like that?

I turned and gave Michonne a half-smile, and walked out the door. I was planning to talk to Maggie about joining the group, until I ran into a boy with brown hair combed neatly in front of his face accompanied by brown eyes and freckles. But I really ran into him. I was too busy thinking how to word out my acceptance of joining the group to Maggie that we bumped heads and ultimately bounced back a little. We grabbed our heads in pain.

"Woah, there," He said as I looked startled.
"Sorry," I said bluntly, getting ready to walk past him. I didn't really have time to chat. I just wanted to talk to Maggie.
"I'm Mikey," The boy said, holding his hand out for me to shake.
I sighed. "Quinn," I said as I hesitantly shook his hand, aware of any tricks he could pull.
"You new around here?" He asked, curious.

Quinn, you don't have time for this.

Well, I might as well answer the kid's question.
"Yeah.." I said slowly.
"Listen, I really got-" I started, trying to tell him I had to leave, until he interrupted.
"Maybe I can show you around?" He asked with a friendly grin.
"Uh..sure, I guess."

Quinn, what the hell are you doing? You have no idea who this boy is, and you're just gonna let him show you around this place?

My conscience was right. I didn't like this Mikey guy, but I could handle myself. Something might be up with this Mikey guy. I guess we'll find out.

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