Chapter 2

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I sprinted towards her, entering the gates.

"Hey! Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" the western voice yelled at me, drawing his gun. But I didn't care.

I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her tightly. Tears fell from my eyes. I felt dozens of eyes on us.

"How?.." I whispered, shaking in her arms.

Our reuniting was short-lived, however, when I heard the cocking of a gun from behind my back.

"Get away from her." The western voice demanded. I turned to face him.

"Rick!" Maggie yelled, obviously irritated, and also giving me a name to the otherwise known-as 'western man'.
"This is my sister," she started,
"her name's Quinn. I never thought I'd see her again after she..."

Everyone looked in disbelief. Maggie didn't finish.

Rick looked as if he wanted to be congratulatory, but was overcome with other emotions.
"C-can she be trusted?" Rick choked, processing Maggie's words.

She gave him the death glare. I knew that look well.

"We still gotta check her. Put your hands up."
I sighed, lifting up my hands as he patted down my sides, checking for weapons. He took my pistol and my five-inch knife. But even though he had patted down all the way to my shoes, he never found my emergency knife. I hid it under my right foot. It was uncomfortable, and made me look like I had a bit of a limp, but it was worth it.

Rick digressed.
"I'll ask her the questions later," He finished, putting away his gun along with my weapons, backing away slightly.
"But you pull anything, anything at all, and you're gone," Rick said coldly towards me.
I didn't break my gaze with him until he turned around to walk away. Everyone slowly went back to their day.

I turned to Maggie and hugged her again. I had finally found her. I had finally reunited with my sister.

"Is Beth, um..." I assumed the worst.
Beth was my sister, and Maggie's half-sister.
Maggie was silent, shaking her head.

I gulped. "..And dad?"

Maggie reached out to me and rubbed my shoulder. "Quinn, I-I'm sorry."

My other sister and my father were dead. It's not even worth it to ask about Patricia, Otis, or Jimmy. They were all dead.

You didn't have to see it happen. They're gone. But you're here now.

"Come here," She said, pulling me into another hug.

Maybe it was cruel that no tears fell from my eyes. Was it normal? This world was fucked up.

"So uh, you want me to introduce you to everyone?" She asked me, rubbing my shoulder supportively.
I smiled and nodded.
She pointed towards the girl who had seen me outside of the gate.

"That's Sasha."
"And right there," she pointed at a man with long hair in a pony tail.
"That's Eugene."

"Oh," She looked back at me,
"That guy interrogating you, that's Rick."
She saw my expression. In this moment, I didn't like Rick very much.
"Don't worry. He's alright once you get to know him."

I looked at Maggie in disbelief.
'Once I got to know him'? Was that her way of saying I was joining this group?

"Oh, I'm sure," I said sarcastically, brushing off the thought.

We walked away from Sasha and Eugene, getting closer to the houses.
She motioned for an asian man to come closer to her as he jogged over.

"This is my husband, Glenn," She said lovingly.
I looked the man up and down. He looked trustworthy.

"I'm Quinn. Maggie's sister." I shook his hand. He looked very confused and looked at Maggie. Maggie smiled angelically.

"I'll explain it to you later," Maggie said, laughing. If he was married to my sister, he must be a good guy. I smiled. I liked this guy. He smiled back.

They had a quick kiss and said their goodbyes. Maggie talked to me about the other people I would meet in the community. This community, which she had told me, to be called: Alexandria.
We kept walking until we ran into a man with scruffy hair and a dirty face with squinted blue-green eyes. He was carrying a crossbow on his back. He seemed like he didn't want to be bothered.

"This is Daryl. Daryl, this is Quinn. My sister."

Daryl was silent. He just glared at me. I thought about shaking his hand, and then decided against it. He didn't seem to like me very much.
Maggie, realizing this wasn't going anywhere, stepped in.

"Come on Quinn, I gotta show you some other things."

As we walked away, I saw that Daryl left immediately. He didn't want to meet me, but I didn't blame him.
Maggie pulled me to the side.

"I need to tell you something. Don't freak out."

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