Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 ~Hounted house!


( Nagisa's POV )

We went to the theme park, this is going to be fun!
My group is: Kayano-san, Karma-kun, and Y/N-san.

" What should we play?" Kayano asked us but none of us answered, all we have is a confused face.
" Hounted house!" Karma-kun gave us an idea, there were litterally stars in his eyes. " Sure!" Said Kayano who was looking pretty excited, I gave a smile and agreed.

Wait- I'm scared of dark! Wait what I'm doing???

" U-uhh gu-" I tried to convince them that I'm scared of dark but then, Y/N cuts me off, " Sure! This is going to be fun! Let's buy the tickets now!, nobody's scared of the dark right?", obviously that made me sweat dropped. " Let's buy the ticket now then~, come on Nagisa-kun~" Said Karma while grabbing my wrist and pulled me, " Waa Karma-kun!" I shouted he only said a few words, " Aww but you looked scared".
He let go of my wrist, and I just realized we are already in the ticket booth. " You idiots! Why did you left us?" Said Y/N who was running towards us, Kayano was following her. " Aaah~ Y/N-chan you're here!~" Said Karma, " Soo should we buy the ticket now?" She asked. " Uh-huh! It's only 1$!" Said Kayano.
" Nice! Let's buy the tickets now!~" Said Karma,
well... It looks like I can't convince them... Oh well, I hope everything goes well....

- Time skip to the hounted house ( ride ) -

( Kayano's POV )

This is going to be fun!, We are in the ride, I sat next to Nagisa at the front, while Y/N and Karma sat on the back. I can't wait for this to start!, I could grab Nagisa's hand if I'm scared right?..

I looked to my right to see Nagisa, he was sweating maybe because he is scared?
" Uh.. Nagisa-kun... Are you okay?" I asked him, " Uh yeah.... I'm okay...." He said, but he looks kinda scared tho...., " Krek..."
the ride suddenly moved. " YAS IT STARTED!!" Shouted Y/N who sat behind me, she looks excited.
" calm down Y/N-chan, you don't want anyone being mad at us don't you?~" Karma calmed Y/N-san who was overexcited.
" Let's start this!" I said.

- Time skip after the ride -

( Nagisa's POV )

" That was fun!~" Said Karma with an excited tone, he must be really happy...
My body shivers from head to toe, " Hmm? What's wrong Nagisa-kun?" Asked Kayano worriedly.
" I'm fine... Don't worry" I said, replying back to her. " Oh ok..." She says, woah she's not scared?? Wow I'm a coward...

" Huh? What's that?" Y/N walked towards the claw game thingy, " Woah!! Tomato! I want this one! Help" She says while attempting to take the blue colored bear, the bear had pink dress with beutiful brown colored eyes.

( Your POV )

" Ugh.. Why is this so hard?" You muttered, " Let me handle it" Said Karma who was taking control of the claw, the claw reached the bear and then, Karma nailed it!
" Told you so" He hands over the bear to you. " T-thanks...." You blushed for a sec and quickly brushed it off.
" Hey where are we going next?" Kayano asked with a smile, " Uhm.. Rollercoaster?" Nagisa gave us an idea, Karma suddenly left out a big grin, " Hehe.. Sure... I wanna know who is the coward now~" He teased with a mischievous tone.

" Oh your on!" You confidently said, Kayano nodded and Nagisa lets out a ' I wont lose' face.
" Let's go!" Said Nagisa, " To the rollercoaster of doom!" He added.

Oh no...the only rollercoaster here is the rollercoaster of doom! This is going be fun!
You thought, accidentally you let out a smirk on your face.

To be continued

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And how do you think of this chappie?
And sorry for the late updates ( not )

Oh yeah!
Thank you QueenAnimax for nearly voting all of my parts!

Bye! For real!

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