Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 ~Plan!


Kayano, Nagisa, Y/N, and Karma was just walking towards the others to meet up with them, and yep, like they all thinked the others was a bit earlier than them.

Okuda was chatting with Isogai, Terasaka was leaning right next to a mochi shop, Maehara was sitting down to a bench, Itona was trying to upgrade Ritsu, Irina was flirting over Karasuma, Koro-sensei was reading a magazine, and many more. Nagisa waved his hand at them, " Hey! Guys we're here!" He said.
Everyone at once hovered their heads towards them, " Hi guys!" Okuda greeted them, " Hey Okuda-san!~ So... What are we going to do after this?~" Asked Karma.
" Nyurufufu... Obviously we are going to make a plan to kill me!" Koro-sensei sarcastically said, " Cool! Let's start it now" Said Itona.

" Sure!" Everyone in unison cheered.

- Timeskip at the plan making -

( Karma's POV )

Me and Y/N sat together at the plan making because Koro-sensei's 'OTP stuffs'.
Anyways, the chair is made out of dark wood, the table also is made out of dark wood with a rococo wood motive. I felt a grip on my clothes, I quickly looked who it was, it was Y/N. " Tomato... I think I'm sick..."
She coughed, " Y/N-chan... Okie, you could go to your room while I tell to the others" I said.
She nodded and went to her room upstairs.

" Hei Nagisa-kun~" I called Nagisa, " Y/N is sick, she's going to her room~"
" Okay" He says.

- At your room -

( Your POV )

Dammit! Why do I have to be sick?!
You thought, lying on your bunk bed. Your face was puffy red.

You stared at the wood made sealing.
The weird part is, you heart was beating fast. " W-what is this?..... Why am I beating so fast? Am I in love with tomato?! Heck no!" You mumbled, at the same time arguing with yourself. " Dammit that boy.." You muttered before darkness swallowed you whole, you were sleeping at the same time smiling.

- Dream -

" Toma-- Karma-kun Are you okay?! You are bleeding!" Y/N shouted to the red haired boy who was leaning unto the wall.
" Heh..... I'm fine...."   He says, coughing more blood, his hips was shot. " Sorry.." He says before fell unconscious.
" Karma-kun!" She says while picking up an aid kit.
" How did it come to this?...." Said the class's shooter, Chiba.
" Who did this?" Said Kayano
Tears streamed down Y/N face.
" Why?"

- End -

" Aah!" You screamt, you were sweating alot apparently.
You saw a bucket of water, someone has been taking care of me.....
You quickly glanced at the clock, it was 2 AM in the morning.
Rio and Kayano was already sleeping in their beds.

Tik tok
Tik tok
Tik tok
Tik tok

" I need to go to bed...." You lazily said while have pretty much sunken your head to the pillow.
And you sunk to your new dream.

To be continued

Hi guys!
You can preety much spot the plot from the dream ;w;
And enjoy this crappy chapter ;w;

Thank you sooooooo much for the vote spam! Bye

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