Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 ~ Rollercoaster of Doom


( Karma's POV )

" Nananana~" Sang Y/N, we were just walking to the rollercoaster of doom.
Hehe... Who's going to be scared?~
" We're here!" Said Nagisa who was overflowing with excitement, " So um let's ride it now?" Asked Kayano with a questionable tone. " Sure~" I said.

We walked to the rollercoaster of doom, at the gates, it has a giant skull statue and a freakin' long line!
This is going to be a long time waiting.

Nagisa and Kayano when off to buy tickets, and then me and Y/N was litterally not doing anything!
And there were complete silence between us. I attend to think of a new theme for us to talk but I can't think about anything, " So um... It's going to be a long time waiting for them huh?" Said Y/N breaking the silence between us.
" Yeah~" I nodded. " So um Karma-kun.. When are we going to assasinate that octopus?" She asked me,
" Dunno let's think about it" I said while scratching the back of my head with one hand insinde my pockets, Y/N face suddenly turned into a 'happy' face, " Look! Karma-kun! An icecream stand!" She pointed at an icecream shop.

" Fine fine, what flavor do you want?" Me and Y/N walked towards the icecream stand, " F/F?" ( F/F: Fave flavor )
" Heh okay, want me to buy it?~" I offered her, " Sure, don't worry we could eat together if you want to" She replied. I bought her icecream that was pretty cheap actually, " Here you go" I gave the icecream to her
" So.. You can eat it first since you bought it for me" She says, her face became light red. " If you say so~" I took a scoop of it and shoved it inside my mouth, " Mm.. This is delicous!" I said, she smiled and replied it to me " I know".

We quickly finished off the icecream, " That was straight up yummy!" She says...

Ugh she's cute...wait what?
" Heh yeah~" I agreed, afterwards we heard footsteps running towards us " Guys! We got the tickets!"
I looked up to see who it was, and thank goodness it was Nagisa and Kayano running towards us while having tickets on their hands.
" Let's go on the rollercoaster now!" Said Kayano giving the tickets to each of us, " Sure!" Y/N thrown a fist to the air.
Wow... They're excited huh?...

We went to the rollercoaster, wow! The line was friggin long!
After the living hell of line, Y/N and me sat on the back and Kayano with Nagisa in the front.
" U-uhmm....tomato... can I hug you if I'm scared?" Whimpered Y/N sheepishly, she was also blushing pink. I was shocked but then I quickly changed my face into a warm smile, " Heh yeah sure~" I replied. The rollercoaster moved, " Yeah! Finnaly!" Somebody said, Hey! How am I supposed to know who is it!

- Timeskip after the rollercoaster -

( Your POV )

After the ride, you were holding Karma's wrist. " Ah! Sorry!" You realized it, and quickly let go off your hand from his wrist. " Nah it's fine~" He said with a 'Don't worry you were cute you know?' Face.

" That was fun! And scary though....." Kayano mumbled. " Anyways, the time is up! Should we meet up with the others?" Nagisa asked us, " Yeah... But we are not late again right?" You asked with a carefull tone.
Nagisa looked at his black watch, " Nope, not at all" He said.
In unison we all sighed in relief.

" Then let's go" You said with a satisfied look on your face, " Today was fun wasn't it?" Said Kayano happily
" Yep!~" Karma agreed to her. " Let's go" Nagisa asked You all,

" Yeah!"

To be continued

Sorry for the lack of updates this days, I was frickin addicted to Elsword like damn!
And bye!

Shout out to:
IAkiKaIPTL124  for voting my chappies!

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