Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 ~Leader


In the breeze of the night, the ambush has already started, class-E has beaten the gang black cloaked gang,
Besides that, they're not even using their cloacks!
Heh... Guess not the all black gang now huh? Snickered Y/N.
" Who's your real name and why are you targeting us?!" Terasaka barked to the tied up gang
" ...Minato's the name" The leader bitterly answered, they weren't expecting to lose to some kids. The leader had blonde hair with green eyes, he was handsome actually, it's a shame that he put all that away just to do some point of assassination.

" Next?" Y/N questioned, it was the woman who answered this time,
" Kiyoko is my name...." She softly anwered, she had pink long hair unto her legs, it looks like she dyed it.
She also has bright blue eyes.

" Last one" Isogai asked.
The last man answered, " Fujiko."
He wasn't like the others, he has black hair and brown eyes, there were scars around his face. His ear was pierced through with a black earring.

Black clouds turned into white ones, making the moon shine a bit brighter than before.
Every crow has vanished from it's place, leaving feathers behind ( maybe Karasuno is in a match?)
By that, Kirara with her famous creepy glare, managed to asked the three ordered minions
" Huhuhu... Now... Tell me... Who's your leader?..... Be honest or I'll cut off your necks!" Not only them who was scared, the whole class was scared too!
The sun was about to rise, it's unbelievable that it's already 3 AM.
" G-g-gah! I-it's Takaoka! P-please spare us! Eep!" Minato cowardly spat out the truth

In everyone's mind it reads as;
Here we go our ultimate weapon Kirara!!!!!!!

Y/N frowned, " Takaoka huh?.... That guy.." She remembered the day he attacked Karma and her. " Well that's good enough! Let's inform Koro-sensei about this!" Said Yada while imaginary flowers radiating out of her.
" Sure" Said Y/N while her eyes were covered with her bangs. By that, Mimura glanced at the gang who were hiding their faces, " Are you coming or not?" He asked.
Minato the leader gave him the ' okay okay we will do everything for you!' stare
Isogai gave up a smile, " Well that's settled, let's go home." ( Oops XDDDD )


Class-E and the gang who was still pretty much tied up went back to the inn.
It was 5 in the morning, the sun has risen up from it's place radiating beams of sun rays, warm wind welcomed the cold and breezy feelings inside them.

The moon has fell asleep in it's place.
The diamond looking stars has vanished leaving the light blue sky alone.
Birds was calmly chirping sweet harmonies with their voices
The pond water was glistening because of the bright yellow sun in the skies.

Y/N wanted to have some sleep before going to the hospital.
She only took around 1 or 2 hours to sleep.

" Kring Kringgggg!!!" Y/N's alarm clock rang, and now it was 7 AM, Y/N quickly woke up and took some shower, after that, Y/N wore a white dress unto her knees, the dress had a little pink ribbons in the tips of her dress making it a bit colorful, she also tied her hair into a sidetail, the hairband was a white with pastel pink dots which matched her dress really well.
The H/C girl had a really beutiful smile on her face, her eyes had sparkles in it, like she was waiting for something.

She took her handmade chocolate that she made last night, the chocolate has some strawberries and sprinkles on it, there were also 6 chocolates inside the red box.
She ran downstairs and met Chiba who was playing his phone, " Huh? Chiba? I didn't realize you were here! Anyways what are you playing?" She asked curiously, " ... Phantom shooter a new game who was just released" He answered her.
" Oh well goodluck!" She said while going out of the inn.

Not a really long time after that, Y/N ran unto the hospital where Karma was hospitalized while holding the red box, her normal cheerful smile was formed into her lips. It was like she already forgotten what happened earlier

Here we go! Hehe!

The H/C colored hair girl went to Karma's room,
a sign was formed next to her door it says, " ROOM NUMBER 45", she knocked the door a few times and
a ' come in it's open' reply was heard, it was definetely Karma.
She opened the big silver door in front of her and behind it, she saw Karma watching the TV on his room.
Looking at that, she couldn't help but to release the smile he was holding in.

" Karma-- oh or should I say Tomato! I'm here!" She shouted, her usual cheerful tone was there

Karma didn't knew it was Y/N who was visting him, he got shocked but eventually turned it unto his gentle smile, " Hey! Y/N-chan what's up? Anyways, I just found you on instapoke around 19 minutes ago" He waved back at the H/C girl and at the same time teasing her

" W-wha?! How did you found me? You don't know my username!" Y/N said while blushing, she also took some steps and sat down the chair near Karma.

" Hm? It was easy, I only searched for Artsu.Neko on instapoke anyways you can draw really well, unlike me" Said Karma while sticking his tongue out
" Ok ...ok anyways here I got you some chocolates that I made by myself" Y/N whined but at the same time had a smirk on her face, she handed over the the red crimson box to Karma, " Well, at least you made the box red" He said while opening the box, he took one of the chocolates and handed over to Y/N well, he didn't really gave it to her hand but instead he aimed for her mouth.

" Huh?" Y/N stared at the chocolate in front of her

Karma chuckled, " Say aaa..." He says
Y/N did what Karma said she opened her mouth, " Aaa..." The sweet choco ball ran down her mouth.
Karma laughed, " Heh, you didn't expect that didn't you?" He teased. Y/N felt her face turned red really, really red. " U-uhh" Y/N took Karma's pillow and buried her face to it.
" Ahahah! Calm down" He winked.
" A-anyways... How's your wound?" Y/N asked Karma
" Oh this? Nah it's better already" He answered
" Oh thank goodness" Y/N sighed in relief, she looked out of the shiny glass window, rays of sun brightly fills the room with light. The wind blows the white curtains away.
" Today is really beutiful right?" Karma said while catching Y/N's attention, " Mhm~" Y/N nodded agreeing to him.
Karma looked at the clock beside him, 9 AM.
9 AM already? Wow that 2 hours went fast

" Er... Y/N.. You should go back it's already 9 in the morning" Karma scratched the back of his head
" Hheeee!? Already? Ah! I'm so sorry I need to go back" Panicked Y/N.
" Ahahaha! It's fine" Winked Karma. " Welp see you tommorow!~" Said Y/N before closing the silver door.

Before that they waved to each other.

To be continued

Aaahh finnaly an updateeeeeee
I never updated lmao
Imade this a really long chappie
And yesh *^*

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