Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 ~Black cloaks


" Wha?! Who are you?!" Justice glared at the three cloaked peoples ( i forgot his first name rofl ;w; )
They didn't answered, beside that they only gave him a grin a wide one. " T-those peoples are the one who shot Karma-kun!" Y/N barked, Karma's face turned serious. " Khu..Khu that's right, we were the one who shot that red haired boy, maybe, you were eardropping on us?" The woman mischievously said.

" Y/N-chan was that true?" Said Karma while glancing at the woman, "....Yes.." Said Y/N

The other man who was cloaked pointed his index finger to Koro-sensei, he had a big grin in his face, I mean, everyone can see his grin right?
" You, if you want revenge, come to the old windmill that isn't used anyomore, we don't need to tell anything else" He said, the man was quite straight to the point.
" Well.. Hurry up... Hehhehe.." Said the leader, as in a blink, they were gone to thin air. What is left are all feathers.

Y/N didn't knew what to feel right now, Mad? Worried? Sad?

" Hurry up..." Those words were spinning inside her head.

" T-they can't be humans...." Chiba whispered
" Koro-sensei what are we going to do?" Asked Hayami, rather than Koro-sensei answered, it was Karma who answered it, " Hmm we can just ambush them right?" He said. " We could ambush from the darkness right?......." Said Kirara with her scary gloomy voice
" U-uh.. R-right..." Mimura replied.

" Nyurufufu.. Ok then, but first let me wear my geisha clothes" In a flash, Koro-sensei was already wearing a complete set of geisha clothes
" WHAAAAAT!!!?!" In unison, everyone's voice boomed the inn. Karma and Y/N couldn't help it but to laugh.

" Well it's fixed, we are going to attack them." Said Isogai followed by an 'okay' from Yada.

Y/N saw a piece of a broken window, she took the glass shard and put it in her socket.
" ...Lets go" She said, everyone wore the assassin suits that Karasuma gave them.
Karma stayed at the inn, playing his DS and eventually the doctor found out he hasn't came back yet, meanwhile....

To be continued

Guyysss late update like usual ;w;
I hope you like this chappie, btw anyone seen the new ep? ( S2 ep 17 )
Karma is jealoussssss
Im so hyped for the next ep altough i already read the manga
And i know who's gonna win -w-
Anyways, enough for this!

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