Chapter Nine

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Arriving at the airport they went through customs privately. Their passport waiting as promised. Both excited, Julia and Tommy flicked through their brand new blue passports like children. It was all so new to them. Karif men stood guard and saw to all their needs.

Nothing prepared them for his private plane, expecting something more like a Lear jet. Not one almost the size of a jumbo jet. As they entered, it was like entering an exclusive hotel room. Decked out with super soft large leather white armchair like chairs and sofas, which was sectioned off into different areas. They were both given a pamphlet on the plane by an attractive attendant. There were actually two levels to the plane. Below them was a whole section for his men, staff, and gallery with their own seating, and everything to make their journey comfortable.

"This is yours?" Julia asked astonished to plonked down into a seat to be clipped in by Karif and kissed.

"Ours," he corrected. Tommy settled on to the sofa to look out the window. "Thomas buckle up we should be leaving soon." He just nodded to shift into a chair to clip in and swung around to watch the plane being loaded.

"Karif?" Julia asked with concern. Nodding, he crossed over to crouch down to talk to Tommy softly. Julia settled back knowing he was in good hands to flicker through the pamphlet of the plane to study carefully. She would know all the innings of the plane, and was going to have so much fun exploring later. Only to look up as Karif settled beside to buckle in.

"We should be leaving in five."


"Just a little bit overwhelmed." She nodded in understanding. To have so little, then to have all this pushed at you. Now they were on their way to London was finely sinking in. She reached for Karif's hand to hold.

"Totally understand, but I have you."

"So does Thomas."

"Yes, but I have you at my side, in my life, and in my bed. It's different for Tommy. I'm all he has left."

"No, beloved, he also has me."

"I know. Once he gets his head around it all he'd be back to his old larrikin self."

"Larrikin? What is this larrikin?"

"Harmless prankster. A bit of mischief, a bit of fun, tongue-in-cheek sort of guy, although highly intelligent."

"I know that Julia, then again so are you." She stared at him stunned. She have never seen herself as that. "Darling you have looked after, and supported Thomas, all by yourself. On your own two feet, without any real support from others. Let me step in now to help out. All you have done was put Thomas first. Took on a school to clear his name. Set up a trust account for his schooling, wanting nothing for yourself. I have the resources. We can look after each other, which you do wonderfully." He cupped her chin in hand, and brought her to him to kiss. "You see to my needs in every way. Your smile, your laugh, your love, enriches my life every minute I spend with you."

"Karif," she breathed his name, caressing the side of his face with a hand. "I feel the same way about you." She snuggled up against him as the plane began to taxi down the tarmac to line up ready for take off, engines revving.

In no time they were in the air, and heading towards Dubai, then would be flying to London. Once allowed, Tommy and Julia explored the plane, while Karif saw to business. They come back excited and chatted about their findings to settle into the sofa. Karif closed down his laptop to join them to organise refreshments and food. He settled back into the corner to have Julia take her cup of coffee. She breathed in the aroma as she settled at his side.

"This smells different."

"That my dear, is one of the most unique coffees in the world."

She took a sip to flavour, not bitter, but rich. "So what so special about it.

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