Chapter Thirteen

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Moving to the suite, adjoined to Karif, Julia was much happier, knowing he was closer, sleeping next door. When before, she had no idea where he was. There was a connecting door, but locked. Not to be opened until after the wedding. Wonderful thought. Also, another garden outside her shuttered windows. Larger, and more of an oasis with its own swimming pool.

Stepping out onto a larger, longer balcony that wasn't enclosed, she shut the door behind her to keep the cooling inside. The heat sucked the air out of her lungs to move into the shade, and sunk into a chair, feeling lightheaded, which was ridiculous in such a short time.

"La! La! La!"

She looked over at Layla, who was waving at her from inside to climb out to the feet, walking towards the door that was opened to stumble in. To be hit by the cold air to shiver. She sunk into a chair, feeling drained. Layla shoved a glass into her hand to be gulped at. Bad mistake. She was staying out of the heat to grab at Layla retracting hand.

"No Karif."

Layla pulled away. "La, la," she shook her head to be released. Julia felt horrible at the fear in her eyes.

"Sorry, just don't tell Karif," she begged. She made a bad call, and wouldn't do it again.

"Why not?"

Moaning, she sunk back further into the seat. "Nothing." She finished her drink. Karif spoke softly to Layla to glare at Julia, who flinched.

"She did what!" He roared to cross over to touch her forehead, and reached for her wrist to count her pulse beat. He removed her glass to hold out to be refilled. "Julia you can't go outside at this time of day. The hottest time." He rebuked softly. "How long were you out there?" He asked, releasing her wrist to be handed over another glass to be taken, and drunk from.

"Wasn't even a minute. I won't do it again," she promised.

"You can bet your life on it, you won't. I would have the door locked and sealed."

"Karif," she grabbed his hand feeling stronger, passing quickly as quickly as it had hit. "Now who is overreacting. I already said I wouldn't. I had not idea, now do." He crouched down at her side to releasing a long breath, eyes searching to lean in and kiss her forehead. "When can I use the pool?"

"Julia," he roared, standing slowly, shaking his head. "I see you are fine!"

She pointed behind her. "That is what had drawn me."

He sighed, running a hand over his face. "Only very early morning or late afternoon and with company. I only came here to see if you had moved in alright and what, find you nearly passed out from heat exhaustion. Julia you must stay indoors."

She nodded as tears pricked her eyes. Cursing softly, he gathered her out of the chair into his arms to hold tightly. Her arms went around him, eyes flicking up with such wanting to have her lips crushed hungrily, hard, and demanding. It had been so long since they had been together that her body was starving for him. Never enough, she craved him so badly, kissing him back with everything inside her, drinking from him, pushing up against him. Wiggling under his hand that clamped tightly on her bottom, holding her against his hard arousal.

Lifting her off her feet, he charged across the room to the bedroom, door slamming. Clothes flying to tumble on the bed, breathing ragged as they touched, kissed. No holding back to be taken fast and furious in a tangle of limbs. She clung on for the ride of passion, heels digging into his bottom meeting him with everything she got. He filled her completely, thrusting hard, hands everywhere, mouth hot, and hard, devouring her. Wrenching fee, he arched to shudder and collapse against her, panting as she was. To hold him. Slowly return to earth, opening her eyes as he turned her face to him to lower his head closer. This time kissing slowly, tenderly, still joined as one.

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