Chapter Ten

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Entering the restaurant Karif, glanced at his watch, lowering his arm around her shoulder. Another good hour before Tommy would arrive. Met and greeted, they were shown to a selection of tables at the back, hidden away. His men settled on surrounding tables, while Julia and himself settled at their own table with one spare chair. He nodded at the head of his guards, letting them let and drink. They were safe here. Julia flicked through the sixteen paged menu.

"This is amazing, So many choices, and clotted cream to go with the scones," she grinned, eyeing him sideways.

"Good, not whipped." He shifted in his seat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable all this talk about chocolate, cream, and involving licking was getting far too much. "Try the afternoon tea. You get a taste of everything," he offered. "Without the scones," he added. She chuckled. "What?"

"The way you say scones, so very upper class."

He sighed. "You need to get some sleep."

She shook her head. "Just happy. You always make me so happy, Karif." A lump formed in his throat. Finding it so hard to swallow. She really was a true treasure to have. He reached across to cover the hand on the table to squeeze. She smiled at him as she always did, cognac eyes softer with warm.

"Hi!" They both looked up at Tommy who had joined them dropping into the spare chair while Fadil joined the others.

Karif glanced at his watch. "You're early."

"In the end I had no idea where to start. We would have to have a gander over this place." He pulled out his phone to go on the internet to search and pulled up a photo of jersey of his favourite soccer team to show Karif. Tottenham Hotspurs. "Need to get one of these."

"Sure, not a problem." He handed over a menu over to Tommy, who licked his lips, eyes devouring over the choices.

"I'm starved. All that walking. Did you two just sit down, and hold hands?"

"Tommy," Julia growled. "No we didn't. Been all over the place. Only blocked a few people pathways, looking deeply into each other eyes."

Tommy laughed with delight. Karif briefly closed his eyes, wondering if he was ever going to get used to these two, smiling to himself. The waitress arrived to take their orders. Eating, buying Tommy's jersey, and Julia's chocolate, they headed back to the town house to share dinner, then went to bed. Tommy walked off yawning, the jet lag finally catching up with him.

"I still can't believe you bought me that dress." The one she had admired. A Dior vintage was waiting for her when they arrived back. Climbing into bed, she snuggled up against him "Thank you," she kissed him. "So I won't cover you in chocolate crumbs."

"What!" he gasped horrified. "I have been looking forward to that all day," he complained.

Grinning, she lifted up her hand, and opened to exposed a melting chocolate in her hand to pop in her mouth. He growled to have her wipe her hand across his chest to be smudged with chocolate on his smooth chest. He looked down. She leaned over him to press her lips against his chest over the chocolate. His whole body shuddered with reaction as her hot, wet tongue flicked across his hardened body with need. He brought her hand up to flick his tongue over her messy hand that tasted of chocolate and purely Julia as she continued to clean him up. With long strokes of his chest. He groaned, muttering under his breath as she slipped an leg through his, shifting against him. Only to squeal as she was flipped onto her back, her soft round flesh cover by his chest.

"Now I have chocolate on me."

"Exactly," he grinned to lower his dark head to see to cleaning it up to her utter delight. Though there was very little. He pulled out his own chocolate to place between her breasts. Her eyes widened as it melted against her skin, even slipping. "Ooh that's sticky."

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