Chapter Seventeen

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"Is it true, or not, that he's supposed betrothed was a step in for the Lady, who disappeared all those years ago, then stole from his highness?" The sheikh accused to Julia horror. A rumbling went through the gathering. "A faux bride at best." Julia glanced across to Karif, who said nothing, did nothing, just sat there, still as a statue, eyes black, elbow on the chair's arm, fingers pressed across his mouth. "And all I get is silence."

Desperately she wanted to defend herself, defend her prince. Fingers clamp around her wrist in warning, doing nothing, just lower her head, hair falling forward, hiding her face. Then he went on about how couldn't let  just any one in or deal with foreign blood. A thief and ... Now she was getting peeved off. Because she we none of those things.

She rose to her feet, standing, bringing stunned silence, glaring at the horrible man. "Whoever is feeding you this rubbish should get their facts right. I don't steal, and I have never pretended to be married, engaged, or anything else." They had been all too real for her. Holding her head high, she turned, heading out.

"Is it true or not about your brother was removed from school for stealing." Her heart stilled, and trembled with rage, hands clenching, turning back, back rigid.

"Again, all lies by a corrupt principle, who we brought down. A man brought to justice for his cheating scheme in the school that my brother, uncovered and exposed. Someone I deeply respect, and one more word I would sue your butt for slander, your highness." She stormed off, slowly followed by gathering applauding as she fled, tears streaming. She couldn't do it anymore or bring Karif down.

Karif didn't move, just watched, as one by one, they stood and clapped his fiery wife, who had every right to be so angry. Slowly he rose to his feet, waving everyone back down into their seats. His cousin, who was pale himself, turned to him.

"You sire, have disgraced yourself, and have insulted my family name. I have heard enough. We would be taking this before the council. I just hope you are prepared to face your own family secrets, because I do know them all. I do hope you are ready to answer to charges, against my wife." His eyes widened. Karif smiled a cold, ruthless smile. He turned and walked out. Now it was time to go and find Julia, before she did something stupid, like run away again, protecting him.

Just as he feared, finding her tossing clothes into a bag. "Julia," he said softly.

She held up a hand. "No, I'm not putting you through anymore. I disgraced myself, but I wasn't going to stand by anymore listening to those lies, then...then..." her breath began to catch. Karif gathered her into his arms, holding her tightly, and caressed her back, until she calmed. Usually it was enough. "He picked on my brother, my baby brother. Me, I can understand, but Tommy," she cried, clasping his back tightly with both hands.

"I know, nobody attacks your brother," he said softly. She rubbed her face across his chest.

"I blew it, didn't I? I was supposed to say nothing, do nothing, but he seemed only to attack me, because you're all so squeaky clean." Her head shot up, blinking rapidly. "So am I," she whispered. "I have done nothing wrong."

"Of course you hadn't; in fact, I think you have gone up in everyone's eyes after your speech. You had done something what everyone else wanted to do. I'm just glad you didn't try to take him out."

"I'd leave that to you," she pointed out.

"You did offer to take him out," he noted.

She stroked his face with her hand, eyes warm. "Many things I would do for you, my love, but that's not one of them."

He smiled. "Of course you wouldn't, just make him lose face in front of everyone. My brave woman, but you must leave things to me now."

"You mean the big, strong, silent, type?"

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