Dryland... DUH DUH DUHHH

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Dryland- The torturous idea that forms in a coach's mind when their intake levels of chlorine is at dangerous levels.

Okay, I'll stop myself before y'all say anything. This fact ranges between your age group. If you are of 10 years or younger, this is what your definition is.

Dryland- The heavenly chance to escape 30 minutes of practice to play wall ball, kickball, or any fun games.

Sadly, the majority of swimmers are not little ten year olds. We can't even do fun things without it being a workout, which kinda ruins the fun. Sharks and minnows turns into breathing exercises. Fun running sprint races becomes 10 laps without a stop. At some times, I feel the urging need to remind Coach that we signed up for swimming for a reason. If your natatorium is "lucky" enough to have a track, you know this feeling. And it is so much worse when Dryland decides to be the grand finale of practice. That's right. Dryland after all the kick sets, sprint work, and even the main set. If you thought you were dead after practice, think again. Coach suddenly feels the need to take everyone out of the water to reward us with a week-long of sore muscles.

Every. Single. Day.

And the struggle continues. With Dryland, you are required to wear tennis shoes. That means you have to put on socks and shoes, with wet feet. Doing Dryland with wet hair is also very irritating. You constantly pull your hair to let all of the water come out, yet five minutes later, it's like the water in the pool slithered back into your hair!

Now there are some (insane) people that enjoy running and can actually run the whole set that was assigned from the coach. Then there are people like me who are like fish out of water while running. It just doesn't work out well when you put a swimmer out in the hot track and force them to move their legs in a way they never have done before.
Dryland is not just running. No, it's so much more, so grab your yoga mat and get ready to be in pain. Just listen to the names of these methods of torture!

Blurpies- Is it just me, or does the sound of these bring shivers down your neck? Blurpies/burpies/whateverthesearecalled are the deathly combination of push-ups, planks, and jumping (ahhhh anything but jumping).

Mountain Climbers- I am almost 70% sure that mountain climbers do not climb mountains in this ridiculous way. This workout requires you to be in a high-plank position while kicking your knees through your arms. It is tiring and is normally on a timed interval (which is controlled by the coach). But wait, there's more! You have the possibility of kicking your chin with your knees, so have fun knocking yourself out!

There are more workouts like these, but listing all of them and their tortures would make a dictionary.

In conclusion, Dryland will make you stronger in the water. Just don't expect that you can float easily in the air like you do in water.

(Dryland almost makes me want to go back into the water)

((Don't try to explain Dryland to non-swimmers; it's a lost cause))

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