Chapter 18: Blood Bond

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Chapter 18: Blood Bond

"Every time I put my arms around you I felt that I was home."

~Ernest Hemingway


Mae brought a cart of breakfast into the room at about eight thirty. I looked her straight in the eyes and nodded, making sure that she understood that we got her note. Dipping into a parting curtsy she left, but with her hand lingering on the lid of the eggs.

Making sure to remain unsuspicious I started to make up Wes's plate. Pausing only slightly when I made it to the eggs. We didn't know if there were cameras in the room but decided to go with the probability that there was at least one. Opening the lid I angled it so that only I could look into it. I scooped a helping onto Wes's plate and revealed a small baggie with a piece of paper rolled up in it. Quickly scooping the bag and more eggs onto my plate I replaced the lid. I veered around the large dining table and went to sit in front of the fire, Wes took my lead and sat beside me. Wordlessly I angled my body towards the fire and opened the bag. Wes leaned in so he blocked out the door. My hands shook slightly as I unrolled the paper. It was a map. There were passageways marked with arrows and at the bottom, in neat cursive, was Mae's message to us.

"At exactly 10:30 pm leave your room and go left. Follow the arrows. Move quickly and silently. Good Luck.


Wes looked at me, eyes wide. I nodded, smiling slightly, finally starting to see some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. Wes took the note out of my hand and folded it before tucking it into his pocket

"It could be a trap, there's always that possibility, but it's our only option. We need to take the risk." He moved his uneaten plate to the side and scooted closer to me. I nodded, taking his hands in mine.

"We're going to get out of here Adelle, I promise," Wes said, staring into my eyes with conviction. He dropped a soft kiss to my forehead then pulled me to him.

We laid around all day whispering at what was going to happen but otherwise just staying silent. Soon night descended and I laid my head on Wes's chest and just breathed. In a moment we would have to get ready, start the dangerous trek through the castle and follow a map that we don't even know if we could trust, but right in that moment we need to just breathe. Take a moment and hold each other because we didn't know when it would be the last time.

Inhaling one last breath filled with each other, Wes helped me to my feet and I moved to the closet to get dressed. Finding a pair of jeans and a plain sweater I quickly dressed and emerged to find Wes lacing up a pair of boots. I shoved my feet into a pair of my own and stood by the door. They hadn't taken Wes's watch and together we watched the seconds tick down until it was time to leave the room. Wes guessed 10:30 was when the guards switched posts and I was praying he was right.

Finally the clock reached 10:30. Wes eased open the door and peered through the crack. Spotting no Cumacht, he opened the door wider and took out the map. We turned left, following the arrows until it took us down a flight of stairs and through a doorway. We kept descending, the arrows leading us deeper and deeper into the castle. The floor turned from high-class marble to worn stone. We turned left and was met with a small room, barely big enough to be called a room. It was more like a small indention in the stone wall. It was dark, the last light source a couple feet behind us. There was not a plain wall in front of us but a large steel door.

"It has us going through the door," Wes whispered and reached forward to press down the handle. The thick door opened without a sound, revealing a single torch and long flight of stairs. Wes began to move down them and I followed close behind, glancing back every now and then.

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