Dusk on The Dune Sea

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He had been walking for days with no food and very little water. Night was soon upon him and he still had three hours to go at least. As Maul shook the sand out of his worn, make-shift boots he wondered why he had agreed to this in the first place. How had he let himself become a mere pawn in his master's plans for Galactic domination? All the Jedi he had been made to kill with no mercy and no survivors. Maul was not a Sith yet and twice he nearly decided to leave his master forever. However, where would he go? How would he survive? Sidious would surely hunt him down and kill him within days. For the time being, the young apprentice was much safer under the protection of the Dark Lord. And so on he trudged, testing his endurance and stamina with no breaks. It was essential that he reached the Palace under the cover of darkness. Darth Sidious had revealed to him that five Jedi Knights and one Jedi Master were negotiating with the notorious Jabba The Hutt to spare a Padawan's life. Maul laughed. This was going to be easier than the time Jedi Master Vex Kuthgar attempted to assassinate him.

Three hours had passed and Maul was on the brink of collapsing. However, the Palace was in sight and he could see the Weequay Pirates guarding the perimeter. Maul sighed. When will the Hutts learn that bribery beats all forms of combat? The Weequay are skilled warriors and masters of combat but a simple bribe is all it takes to get past them. Maul lowered his hood and spoke with the Pirate Captain.

"What would you say to 350 Galactic Credits to each of you for access to the Palace?" Maul said.

"350 Credits for these scum, but I want 500 Credits," the Captain replied.

"425," Maul answered back.

"475 and that is my final decision," The Weequay snapped. "I warn you, we can be fearsome warriors if you agitate us!" Maul thought for a moment. He had not yet mastered the Jedi mind trick but he had another idea. He casually lifted his dark robes so that his lightsaber was visible. The Weequay jumped in horror.

"Ok, ok! 350 for them and 400 for me and we will forget you ever existed," the Captain stumbled.

"Deal," said Maul as he handed over the credits. The Weequay pirates lowered their blaster rifles and allowed Maul though the palace gates. He strode past more guards until he reached Jabba's throne room. As long as Maul kept his hood up and disguised himself among the Bounty Hunters and Smugglers, he should be alright. The Jedi would be starting their negotiations with Jabba in an hour. A teenager of about 18 was gambling with another Zabrak, a Weequay and a Rodian.

"I bet 500 Credits that you will roll a number above four," said the boy.

"Well alright then," said the Weequay as he rolled the dice. Maul stared as the dice rolled over to show a four facing upwards.

"I win. 500 Credits. Cmon Asuku, pay up," the boy shouted across the table.

"You didn't specify that a four was included. That means you should be paying me 500 Credits," Asuku replied.

"Cheater! Just because you can't afford it," the boy screamed back.

"Careful Jango. You have quite the temper," spoke the Rodian for the first time. Maul surveyed the teen. It was true that he had a short temper but he could be trained to put it to good use. He would make a fine Bounty Hunter with some proper training and some time. Maul decided to do something that could jeopardise the mission, but Sidious need not know.

"Who are you?" asked the Zabrak who until now had remained silent. He also had red features but unlike Maul's, the colour was not darkened with constant use of the dark side. His eyes were a light yellow and his attire consisted of a ripped, brown shirt and a belt which held a DT-12 Blaster Pistol.

"I am just another worthless, drunk gambler trying to earn enough for another pint," replied Maul calmly. The Weequay, Zabrak and Rodian accepted his answer but the boy continued to stare for a moment. His eyes momentarily lowered to catch a glimpse of Maul's lightsaber before he sat down.

"I bet my old Mandalorian armour that you won't get the blue square facing upwards on this chance cube," said the Rodian. Asuku laughed and the Zabrak sighed in disbelief but Jango thought for a moment.

"And if I don't get the blue square?" he eventually asked.

"You give me your CA-87 shock gun and your A280C Blaster Rifle," the Rodian replied with a smile on his face. Jango thought for a while and counted the odds. He had a 5:1 chance of getting a blue square.

"I accept," said Jango.

"Very well then," the Rodian laughed as he rolled the cube across the table. Maul watch with great interest. The cube was slowing down and had just passed the blue. It was about to land with a red square facing upwards when suddenly it fell backwards to show the blue square. None of them were to know that Maul had slightly moved his hand under the table at the last second. Jango sighed with relief.

"Take it before I kill you!" shouted the Rodian as he stormed off.

"Now look who has a bad temper," said Maul as he strode away, leaving the bewildered Jango, Asuku, and Zabrak behind. He disappeared into the crowd with a temporary satisfaction and awaited the Jedi.

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