Chapter 38

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We all woke up at about 10am and Shelby's mom made us mini chocolate chip muffins and we devoted them and stuffed them in our mouths. After that we got dressed and we decided to watch the NCAA basketball games (college basketball) and it was Villanova against Kansas and Villanova was winning by 9. We were all freaking out about this hot senior and we were all screaming at the tv.

Me- I call him

Chloe- no way you have a boyfriend

Me- I'd dump Hayes for him any day

Shelby- me too

Ariana- me too

Me- his jawline was carved by angels

Chloe- I know, it must have taken forever

The boy had light brown hair and was 6'3 and he was a hot college senior. His name was Ryan and we just kept on repeating it.

Me- he's my husband

Ariana- no fair

Shelby- fine your brother's my husband

Chloe- no Cameron's mine

Ariana- nah we have a connection

Me- ew, why are you fighting over my brother?

Ariana- cuz he's hot

Shelby- he's hotter then Daniel

Me- I'm gonna text Daniel now

Shelby- nooooooo

Chloe- fine then I'll take Shawn Mendes

Me- he's chill

Ariana- no you get Donald trump

Chloe- ew that's nasty

Shelby- I'd rather date a skunk

Me- I second that

Chloe- I bet we all would

I was watching the game when Hayes texted me

Hayes- you looked nice last night

Me- you too

Hayes-do you wanna go out to lunch with me?

Me- yeah, but I gotta finish watching the Villanova game.

Hayes- let me guess, Ryan?

Me- of course

Hayes- I'll get Nash to drive us

Me- Kk see you later❤️

Now the game was 69-70 and Villanova was winning by 1 and Ryan shot 2 foul shots and made them in but then another guy made a 3 pointer and we started having a freak out because there was 57 seconds left of the game. After that Kansas fouled another guy and he made his shots. After that they were up 4 and they had 30 seconds left so they just threw it around. The game ended and it was 64-59 and Villanova won. After the game my mom picked me up and I ran up the stairs and got ready for lunch. I put on a denim shirt and a white skirt because it was 65 degrees.

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