Chapter 58

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Later that afternoon

I was finishing my English homework when Riley rang the doorbell. "Hey", I said. "Hi", she said. She and a boy and a girl walked in. "These are my best friends Jesse, and Skylar", Riley said. "Hi guys it's nice to meet you", I said. I looked at Jesse for awhile because he looked familiar. "Have we met before?", I asked Jesse. "I don't think so", he said. "You look super familiar to me". "Well I'm related to the "famous" Brandon Besson". "Oh so you're related to my guy best friend". "Yeah we're brothers". "Omg you guys look so alike". "Yeah I get that a lot". "Ok so let's get to business I said". "Right so I'll start the story", Riley said. "So I spent the summer at a summer camp and me and miles were both camp councilors and we met at a bonfire. When we first met he started to flirt with me and I bought into it so I started flirting back. After a month of flirting he took me on a picnic and he kissed me and we started dating immediately after that. After camp I thought that I'd never see him again but when school started we found each other in the hallway and we hit it off like we did in camp. At this point we were dating for 4 months and we got invited to a party and at the party I was with Skylar and Jesse and Miles disappeared and I didn't think much of it. While I was at the party I saw my enemy Sadie. Sadie has always been mad at me ever since I beat her at a singing contest. She tried to sabotage my performance but it didn't work and I ended up winning. Anyway so when I couldn't find him I started looking for him and I found him and Sadie making out in a closet. Sadie is a year older then me and claims that she has more experience then me. When I found them I was really upset and I broke it off with him at the party. A couple days after the party he started texting me and apologizing but I didn't accept the apology. One day when I got into school he came up to me and told me he was sorry so I forgave him. And yesterday when I was at my house studying he snuck in through my window and we talked and he kissed me and asked to get back together but I don't know what to do because I know he and Sadie still talk and I don't wanna make another mistake". "Wow this all sounds way to familiar", I said. "How did you deal with it?", Skylar asked. "Well Hayes and I didn't get back together after like a year", I said. "Wow", Riley said. "I didn't forgive Hayes easily, it took a lot of time and after i forgave him we started over as friends". "That must've taken a lot of courage", Riley said. "When dealing with a situation like this you have to take it day by day because something could instantly happen, for example I was supposed to be tutoring Hayes and he started flirting with me and he kissed me", I said. "Did you guys get back together right after that?", Riley asked. "No, the first thing I suggest you do is try to be friends with Miles and see where you go from there", I said. "K thank you for your help Bella", she said then hugged me. "Anytime", I said and then they got up to leave. "Hey Jesse", I called over to him. "Yeah?". "I saw the way you look at Riley and I can tell that you have a thing for her". "Yeah so?, she's interested in Miles not me. "Maybe you should talk to Riley and tell her how you feel". "No I don't wanna embarrass myself and jeopardize our friendship". "Just think about it". "I will", he said while leaving.

I was sitting on my couch watching the secret life of an American teenager when Hayes called me.

Hayes- babe are you coming over?

Me- maybe

Hayes- well if you are I hope that you're ready for it

Me- trust me I am

Hayes- well I'll see you later then

Me- bye

I got up and changed into a hot outfit that would make Hayes know that I'm ready. I put on the tightest, shortest, shorts I had and under my top I put a tight bra on.

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