31. fornication and forgiveness

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[ Love Poems by Rudy Fransisco]

Thank you guys for not being rude about no update, here's the 'reward'


THE REASON I'VE BEEN MISSING: I'VE BEEN TWEAKING THE ENDING SO MUCH AND UGH, I FINALLY GOT IT WHERE I WANT IT THEN IT GOT DELETED LIKE TWICE AND UGH (THERE'S THIS CHAP, A NEXT ONE AND THEN AN EPILOGUE [no sequel, sorry but it has been replaced with a spinoff story that i will have you vote for at the end of this chapter])

| 31.| fornication and forgiveness

I was sitting in Biology, bored out of my fucking mind and stressing over my boyfriend's mental breakdown when I'd heard rumors. Of course, I knew that I'd have to go talk to Oliver but I also know that my mother would kill me for skipping the rest of the day -especially since I'd had three tests- I prolonged seeing him until the end of the day and although it sucked, I knew he'd be okay without me.

Tapping my pencil on my binder, I closed my eyes, trying to rid my mind of how bad I fucked up but nothing would stop the replay of his words in my head.

Loved. He loved me, past tense, I'd broken his heart and I was a bitch for that.

That was only confirmed when I'd heard people talking about what had happened all through the rest of the day, the main rumor circulating having to do with Oliver hitting me. Everyone that saw our argument knew that he didn't but there were also people in class who had no idea what had happened and every time I heard something, it was a variation of the same thing. Oliver was crazy, Oliver went violent and hit Phoenix, Oliver hit me.

But what I heard in my bio class was different. After homework was passed out, my yes her had busied herself with leaving the classroom to talk to another teacher across the hall, assuming that we were mature enough to handle no supervision. How wrong she was.

I felt eyes on me as I pulled my phone out my pocket and checked for messages, twelve new ones but them all being friends and people I associated with... asking about the fight.

Not Oliver.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I groaned almost inaudibly and closed my binder before shoving it in my bookbag and sifting around for my headphones. I was gonna listen to a few new songs to distract myself from thinking, Oliver had sent me his favorite playlist a few days before and I hadn't had a chance to listen.

That was until I'd heard Jacie Morgan from three rows over, gabbing to some friends.

She'd flicked her long brown hair over her shoulder with manicured fingernails, expensive looking watch shining in the light and when I was about to roll my eyes and get back to what I was doing, she'd turned towards me. I was going to ignore her, take the high road when she smirked.

"Even with a downgrade, he couldn't hold onto a girl, huh?" Licking her matte brown lips, she flashed me a pearly white smile that was filled with malice, "shouldn't have gotten involved with a freak."

Rollin my eyes, I scoffed, the sound in the room quieting down and I was done with her. She didn't deserve a response. When it came to me and Oliver, I never really gave much thought to rumors, I never really cared what people thought and neither did he so naturally, I ignored his ex girlfriend. Looking for my headphones, I wasn't going to give her any attention until she spoke up again.

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