5. rumors and arguments

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(Emerson to the side)

|5.| rumors and arguments

The Remmers had never had more than one vehicle, I'd always seen Oliver and their youngest son, Elliot, walk on the other side of the road as they headed home, never stopping for traffic or anything.

So when Oliver showed up one day in a red rusted Jeep Wrangler, that's when the rumors resurfaced.

He, as usual, didn't seem to care as he exited the vehicle, freshman Elliot behind him hot on his trail.

"I heard that he got it from a junkyard."

"That's ridiculous, he said himself that he bought it with the money he got from drug dealing."

"That heap of scrap metal. I hope it catches fire and his ass is in it."

That last one made me take a step away from the person who'd said it.

People these days.

Shaking my head, I furrowed my eyebrows as he stepped out the vehicle with a black eye on display for everyone. He didn't even feel the slightest bit embarrassed about the blemish as he slid down the hood of his dark grey hoodie glaring at anyone who so much as stepped in his path.

And trust me, that glare could make a grown man piss his pants.

And as I stared at his disheveled appearance, I nor anyone else spoke a word. No one clowned him for his black eye as they would've talked about anyone else, it was silent.

So silent that as I headed toward Sidney, my footsteps drew everyone's attention.

And when I dropped my pen, even Oliver snapped his head up to send me one of his blank looks.

And even that look nearly made anyone within a fifty-foot radar, piss their pants... Figuratively and literally.

Still, I simply stared at him as if I wasn't terrified for my life at the moment. And he stared back before sending that infamous glare my way.

And out of habit, I raised an eyebrow making Sidney smile and Kat gasp at my bold move. Oliver just shook his head before walking into the school, his brother in tow, leaving me to breathe easily and calm myself down.

I wasn't prepared for Kat's hand when it came flying and smacked me lightly on the arm, "Are you crazy?"

Sid just let out a slight laugh before she spoke, "Possibly... Hmm, maybe we should get that mental institution checked out."

Kat didn't even crack a smile as she stared at us with a gaping mouth and alarmed eyes.

I let out a laugh as I fixed her bangs for her and brushed her hair behind her ears, "Calm down Katalina."


I briefly heard my mom bring up something at the dinner table that evening as I lost myself in my thoughts.

Contrary to his social standing -which basically consisted of being outcasted because of his brother-, Elliot was smart whereas everyone else thought different.

I mean, he was a freshman taking Junior lit. Of course he was smart.

And even though they wre brothers, they couldn't be more different. Sure they looked the same, only differing in eye color and physiq, but once you'd gotten to the clothes, they couldn't be more different.

Elliot wore bandanas and skinny jeans, Oliver dressed like any other guy.

Elliot was in advanced classes, Oliver was in standard and there was a rumor that they tried to place him in remedial.

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