02 - Mind Palace

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"It's good to be back! I missed this place," I say and nod my head slowly. "But you were here just an hour back!" I turn towards the voice and find out it was just me. The other me, my guide... In my mind palace.

"Yeah well..." I mumble.

I have this thing that I 'read' people. One glance at them and it helps me figure out who they are. I just need to look at the details.

I'm so good at it and I've been doing it for so long that it feels like time stops. Everything is frozen.

"Okay, subject number twenty-three of today. Brian Finch, consultant at the FBI," I turn to look at the other me, "I hope you're making a note of this."

"Don't I always?" She says and rolls her eyes. "Anyways, create a folder for him. I want to keep a record of everything," I instruct and take a step closer.

He stands still with a grin on his face, as the Rubik's cube floats in his hand. "I can confidently say that Brian is a guy who is special. He smiles with his eyes, not his face. He's sincere and caring," I narrate my observations.

"But he's also very serious about work. No, wait. Scratch that. He's serious but he's mostly goofy and friendly," I clarify.

"What? why?" The other me questions.

"Well, look at him. Everyone else in this room, including me, is wearing blazers and formal clothing, except him. He's wearing jeans and a T-shirt. And also, who brings a Rubik's cube to an office, especially the FBI?!" I answer.

"Remind me to never question you. I mean, me... Whatever," The other me says and I smirk. "He plays guitar and is right handed," I say.

"How do you know that? I mean, how do I know that? God this is weird!" The other me says. I can't believe she hasn't gotten used to it yet.

I roll my eyes, "Look at the fingers of his left hand. They have callouses on them. In the place where you'd place you fingers on the fret board to play chords."

"Plus, he's holding the Rubik's cube in his right hand," I end and grin. This is literally what I live for!

I go on about how Brian went through a rough patch by looking at details of his clothing and shoes, and how his relationship is with Agent Harris and Agent Boyle by recalling his previous dialogues.

I take a step close to him, until there us a palms-length gap. "Well, he's a nice guy, that's for sure. He just- wait a minute-"

Something catches my attention.

"What's wrong?" The other me asked.

"His eyes. They're... Glowing, shining... Shimmering. Is that normal?" I look at my guide and she shrugs. "Okay, this is interesting. Could it be genetics? What about a sickness or disorder? Is it drugs?" I ask myself.

"Hold your horses, Skylar. You definitely need more information to draw a conclusion," The other me points out.

I step back, "Hmm, you're right. Okay, make a note: 'Brian Finch, shimmering eyes', and in brackets research."

"Just remind me when... I don't know, when I'm free or in front of my laptop," I instruct, "This is brilliant! I have to get to know him better!"


Brian's POV

"Uh... What the hell is happening?" I ask no one in particular.

Everything is standing still.

"You're on NZT, remember?" I jump at the voice of a person.

"Oh my God, dude. Don't do that! You freaked me out!" I exclaim as I look at the other me.

"Sorry. Anyways, as you're on NZT, you can process things very quickly, you already know that. It seems like time's stopped," My clone explains.

"Oh, that's cool. Wait, why haven't I felt this before?" I ask. I can't believe I'm asking myself. "If you don't know, then I definitely don't know," He answers and I sigh.

"But... I'm guessing it's because of the fact that you've been taken NZT for quite some time. You're getting an upgrade on your skills," The other me states.

"Well, whatever it is... what am I doing here?" I question. The other me huffs and steps closer, "You want to find out more about her."

I look at him with confusion, "Do I?" I could sense that I was making him frustrated. "Just... Look at her and find out as much as you can," He says while rubbing his face.

I nod and look at Agent Skylar Roberts. She had a smile on her face that had kindness written all over it.

"There are tags and headings floating above her, with arrows and everything! This is... Cool," I comment and the other me grunts. All I have to do is read out what the floating objects say.

As I look closely, more signs pop up. "Okay... Where should I start?" I question, "Let's see. Agent Roberts is in her twenties. She is sincere to her friends and family. She doesn't break her promises and is committed to doing good work."

"Skylar... I would say she's been working for the FBI for, eh... Two years? Yeah, probably," I narrate, "But she's special. She's done things, gone places that no colleague of her's has touched."

I smirk proudly, "Well, as you know, I'm an expert at lip reading. I did a little bit earlier and Naz was talking about how everything's going to change with this new agent coming, how she'll make this department gain an awesome reputation."

"Also, that she's one of the best agents from her previous post. Pretty impressive," I say and look at all the floating notes and signs.

"Dude, the rest of it is just... Useless honestly. I mean, she uses a blue pen to make notes and that she despises texting and loves talking face to face? How is that going to help me?" I ask, slightly annoyed as I look at the other me, who stares blankly.

"I just can't get over the fact that she's... Special. I have to get to know her better!" I exclaim and sudden-

Skylar's POV

"So, Brian, how long have you been a consultant?" I ask and Brian looks at me confused.

"Huh, what? Sorry, I was uh... I've been here for about a year. What about you?" He answers. "Two years," I reply and Brian discreetly smirks.

Just then, Rebecca comes back and indirns that Naz wants to see me. I thank her and walk to the SAC's office.

"You wanted to see me?" I peak into the room. "Ah, yes! Skylar, I wanted to give you something," Naz says as she makes her way towards me.

"These are the keys to your accommodation. Your arrival was so short notice that I couldn't find a suitable place for you," She tells as she gives me the keys, "This is temporary. It is a bit far away and is small in size. I will find you a better place."

"Thank you so much! And please, don't worry about it," I say and leave the room. I hurry towards Brian, who's busy on a computer.

"Hey! What did Naz want to see you about?" He asks curiously. I smiled as I took a seat next to him, "She gave me a place to stay. Now I don't have to worry about hotel reservations and renting out a place." Brian gives me a thumbs up.

I struggle to remove my gaze off his eyes. They are still shimmering and it's distracting me.

"Hey, Brian..." I start and he looks at me.

It's too soon. Maybe I shouldn't ask him. It could be something top secret that no one is supposed to know about. I don't want our friendship... Or whatever we have, to get ruined, I thought.

"Never mind..." I shrug the thought off and turn to a new conversation starter, "So what are you doing right now?"

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