Chapter 2

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Reid's pov
Monday 23:31 pm
"Hey Spence." Hayden voice rings in my ear as she picks up the phone.
"Hey there, how is my girl doing?" I ask leaning on the table checking to see if anyone heard me.
"I was just finishing writing this programme, had to fix this firewall problem. Are you ready to go home?"
"You should go home and rest. I promise you'll wake up besides me." I say not really being done with figuring out how this UnSub's mind is working.

"Okay, I'll go home then, but wake me up when you come." I smile knowing she will stay up waiting for me anyway. 
"Only if you promise me you'll sleep and not wait for me."
"I promise, but hurry up. I don't like it when I know you're in a possible danger." Interesting how she thinks I'm in a possible danger in this office, though technically I'm more exposed to danger working for the FBI so I guees she's right to think so.

"I know." I say looking around hoping no one is near me. I see Derek and Emily coming towards me. "Hayd, please take care of you, please" I whisper quickly knowing I'm not allowed to tell her too much information about the UnSub.

"You know I always do. Now go back to finishing with that case cause I need you home as soon as possible."
Hayden smiles as I think she's leaving her office. 
"I'll try my best." I say quickly as Derek and Emily are already reaching my booth.
"Ok. See you home."  Hayden says goodbye and I nod.
"Ok. Bye." I hang up the phone and turn my attention to Emily. 

"Reid, I was just telling Morgan. I think this guys uses the blitz mode, attacking his victims on the hallways.  Think about it. We know he's organised, he choses careful his victims, he waits for them where he knows there is no surveillance and strikes at night" as Emily says this all the team is near my desk.

"Ok. Conference room. We might be close to delivering the profile. " Hotch, our unit chief says and we all go in the conference room.

"So we know our UnSub is most probably a white male in his 40s. He's chasing recently engaged or married blonde females in their late twenties,so could this be a subtitue to a girlfriend or wife, who abandoned him? " Rossi speaks as we all sit down. I'm looking at all of them and they nod looking at pictures from the crime scene.

"Maybe even a mother. And if married, he probably had a submissive spouse who tolerated his sexually deviant behavior." I speak and I see Emily frowning.
"So the stresser can't be a divorce because that way she would've not file for one, being submissive to him."
She states and I flinch my head a little. "Yeah, but we can't rule out the possibility.  Maybe she got tired of his sadistic ways and went behind his back" JJ speaks and I have to comment on this.

"Actually, his first victim didn't have any signs of other forms of violent torture, besides rape, so I don't think he was molesting his wife, if he had one."

"Ok so after the second victim, tried to escape,  the UnSub beats her, realises he likes the outcome and starts torturing the victims physically, with punches and electric shocks, mentally too. He locks them somewhere, he chains them up and starves them." Morgan adds and Rossi interferes.
"Well not entirely,  we know he feeds the victims with organ parts from his previous victims."

"Livers. The ME said the cut was postmortem and perfect like he knew exactly where the liver was." I speak and I see JJ's disgust expression.
"Well this narrows down the field. Maybe he's a surgeon." Emily says and I shake my head.
"Not exactly. Anyone with Internet access can see where the liver part is. And anyone with little experience in the medical field could have a clean cut." Morgan speaks and I nod agreeing.

"JJ, have you talked to the victims' husbands and fiancés?"
"Yes sir, there was nothing these women had in common in their routines, and neither of the guys can't seem to recall a person who showed vested interested in the victims."
"So we have nothing. 7 dead bodies in two weeks and we can't find a single thing leading us towards the Unsub.We know he now has Vanessa Sawyer and probably Mandy Hastings,  but God knows if she's still alive. He will strike again tonight and we have no idea where. Do we even know who are we dealing with? This guy kidnaps a girl and dumps the body of his last victim in one night. Then tortures his new victim for two days, and in the meantime he has time to search for another possible victim so afterwards he could kill, dispose the body of his current victim and kidnap the new one he found ? Are we sure there are not two Unsubs? " Emily snaps, and even though we all look at her for snapping out, we're all thinking the same thing. How can he get away with murder like that? No DNA at the dump site, no DNA on the victims.  This is too clean. Too organised.

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