Chapter 4

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Reid's pov.
Tuesday. 7:32 am
I don't understand anything anymore. I was so sure the Unsub of our case had Hayden. I was so sure we will find Vanessa Sawyer's body dumped. But we didn't.
"So we're back to nothing with our UnSub?" JJ asks as it's already 12pm and no dead body was discovered.
"You know, maybe Reid's right. Maybe this UnSub really kidnapped Hayden." Derek always wanted to believe me.

"But we went over this for a couple of times. She does not fit into his type of victimology. This Unsub is organized. Why would he change his victim type?" Emily asks looking at all of them at the table. I just hear them in the background. I can't focus on anything. I just got back from making a coffee and I hear everything they talk about. They don't trust my judgment and frankly I don't either.
"I don't know. But he didn't kill Vanessa either so maybe something really changed for him. The question is what."
"Are we still having that press conference?" I ask my voice so dry I can barely talk and all of them seem to flinch their heads into my direction.I'm so lost. This is not supposed to happen to me. Not again. How will I can i be able to love somebody without bringing misery into their lives. First it was Maeve and now Hayden too.

"Yes, Rossi and JJ will handle the press conference and-"
"I want to talk to him." I cut off Hotch and everyone raises their eye brows.
"Let me talk at the conference." I add.
"Reid, I don't think you're the best to do that right now."
"Ok than Rossi will talk and I'll just have a quick word at the end. Please." I speak and I see Hotch giving in.
"Ok than you and Rossi will handle the press conference and Prentiss I want you to talk to Vanessa's husband again I still feel he's hiding something, and, Morgan, you and JJ should talk to Mandy Hastings's sister maybe she remembers something." Hotch gives the order and everyone nods.

Before we start the press conference I see Rossi patting my shoulder.
"You have to have faith. Trust that she's fine and let us help you, kid. You have the tendency to disconnect and I have no idea what's going on in your mind right now, but you need to know you're not alone and we will do anything we can to help you." He speaks and I nod.
"I know." I just think about everything me and Hayden have been through and I never meant for this to happen to her. I remember how nervous I used to get everytime I saw her, I still do, but how whenever I was around her I felt so good, like I wasn't an outcast. She made me feel like I belong next to her.

I see the cameras and the microphones. I hear Rossi talk about how there is a serial killer in the city and how woman should not walk or be alone at night. He spoke about the things we have in our unfinished profile and there were a lot of questions about the murders of the girls, but Rossi managed to answer smoothly to all of them.
"He's really dangerous and so far he had killed 7 women and left no hard evidence at the crime scenes. His M.O. is outstanding, nothing we've seen so far." Rossi now praises the UnSub because we want him to believe he's too good to be caught.
"will you be able to catch him if you say he's this good?" I hear a question and I know this is the moment I need to speak.
"He's good, but our team is better.So don't give up on hope because we're still thinking about you and we will do anything we can to put this guy behind closed bars." I know the team knows I'm talking to Hayden right now. I just hope she can hear me. Because I need her to know I won't give up on her and I will turn this world upside down if I have to, to catch the Unsub who took her away from me.

"No further questions. Have a good day everyone." Rossi speaks and cameras shut and we both leave.
"Reid?" I hear Dave's voice behind me.
"She knows." He says and I don't even know what to say.
"But It's just not fair that he took her. If I can't even keep her safe than why am I doing this? Maybe Gideon was right ... Maybe it's just not worth it"

 Maybe it's just not worth it"

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