Chapter 1~

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Ok so this is a story about 3 girls the names are Megan the fangirl, Jessica the popular, and Alexis the Nerd and this is OUR STORY. was just a typical day at Morgan High when Megan and Jessica were about to meet their bestie, Alexis, after school.

Megan recieved an Instagram update that said: "Management is splitting up One Direction"

Ok thats so not cool...

Finally Alexis arrived to the back of the school where they would have lunch and meet after school...

" finally arrived..", Says Jessica while hugging Alexis.

"Well yeah..I was helping Ms. Joseph clean out her shelf..sorry about that..", Alexis explains while sitting down.

Alexis and Jessica were wondering why Megan wasn't now she would be giving them updates about 1D.

"Megan? Why are you suddenly so quiet?", asks Alexis.

"Management is..splitting up One Di-Direction!", Megan complained

The girls were so mad and wished they could do something because that is the only hot boy band they ever really loved.

"Wait!", shouted Jessica "I've got a plan that can keep us from balling our eyes out and can keep One Direction Together."

Jessica explained it to the girls..

"No! No! No! We are not gonna ditch class..look I love the guys but we can't do this!! It will go on my permanent record!", shouted Alexis

"Its the only way..", Answered Jessica.

"Jess is right Alexis...but there might be another way..we just gotta stick with this one.",Said Megan

All the girls agreed to not go to school the next day and start their journey....

(Next day)

"Man I cannot believe we are doing this..this is crazy..what is my mom going to say? Or my teacher or even the principal!?

Oh man oh man! I can't do this get me out of this place! I am freaking out!", Alexis screamed out.

"Alexis..this is just my house ok? You gotta stick with me and Jessica..and by the way..

why are you wearing a school uniform?", asked Megan.

"Well um, its not like I am gonna ditch you guys who is ditching school...its not like I am going back to school..hehe??",

Answered Alexis.

Jessica grabbed Alexis' sleeve and dragged her to the taxi.

"Ok I got the tickets to California..because basically One Direction are having a tour there", said Megan

"Why do we need airplane tickets if they are just in California?", questioned Jessica.

"Iknow you are my BFF and a dumb blonde but I am sorry to break it to you but California is very far from Maryland".

Says Ms. Smarty Pants Alexis.

After a few minutes they finally got to Air Maryland...

When they got into the airport they figured out that their flight was canceled...

The only way was by Asking Marty- Snotty Jones...don't ask how he got the name..the story is just GROSS!

"So all you gotta do is go in my uncle's car..have fun!", shouted Marty

5 hours later..

" um..where are we going to find One Direction now Meg?", asked Alexis

"Easy All I gotta do is go on my"Where is One Direction?" App....", said Megan

*Engine stops*

"Ok is L.A.X.

"Finally!",The girls said Happily

They finally got to there hotel..but they bumped into someone so familiar..

"O M G!!!!! I just bumped into Louis Tomlinson..I am so so sorry..", said Alexis

"Hey its fine! Do you need a room? Me and the boys don't wanna get caught when the hotel figures out we brought an extra twins bed.

We need to you know not get kicked out of this hotel..its the only one we haven't been kicked out of...", Louis explains to the girls.

"Of course!", Megan says out of no where.

~A/N Hey guys!! It's Cupcakez :) Three people write this story and we are Cupcakez, Gurbie, and Bubbles. Gurbie wrote this chapter and I wrote the table of contents or whatever it is x) The multimedia thing is the pictures of the girls, the one with the blonde Hair is jessica, brown hair is megan and the nerd glasses is alexis. :)

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