Chapter 1

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Linked with loving lies

It was entirely possible that they were never meant to be together. That any prospect of a bond between the two boys had been melted into sticky ash or whipped until left frayed. And yet, here they where, defying all that was right. All that couldn't happen.

But torture does that to people. Suddenly, the things you think aren't possible occur. Such awful, horrible things. One of the boys knew that well, while the other just had a passing knowledge. However, the later had recently become very acquainted.

They lay there, broken, far below the earths surface, trapped in the deep and silent lair of the Gaiaphage. Two forms, both alike in state, were barely illuminated by a sickly green glow. After enduring so many hours, maybe even days, of torture, they no longer saw the need to get away. They where hopeless, and beyond that, brainwashed. Holes had been board in their brains, and were then filled by the desires of the Gaiaphage.

Sam was bleeding from head to toe in self-inflicted wounds. He couldn't help it. The agony of it all had made him thrash on the jagged floor of the cavern. His face was streaked with a depraved veil of sweat and tears. This was Sam. Not school bus Sam, not Sam the hero or the leader, not even Sammy the victim of bullies. Sam was this now, had always been since the start of this mess they called the FAYZ. He wondered how anyone could see any different. Maybe they didn't, and only did this to him as a sick game. Either way, they didn't matter now. Sam no longer cared. But someone was calling to him.

"S-Sam..." Drake was shaking. He couldn't cry tears anymore, not after he was pulled from the depths of death, so he just shook violently. Face buried in his knees, he wrapped his horrible whip around him to calm the spasms, but it only made things worse as it was shivering too. Possibly, for the same reasons he himself was. Drake slowly unraveled the hideous instrument and inched it towards Sam's shaking form, curled up in a fetal position.

The brunet boy winced as the writhing, fleshy tentacle slid between his side and the sharp rocks to wrap around his midriff, squeezing gently. In another time, Sam would have been afraid but he knew that Drake wouldn't hurt him now. It was like a long distance hug of sorts, not malicious at all. Sam half giggled, half sobbed to himself.

Drakes tentacle arm gently supported Sam's broken body and pulled it close to him, careful not to slide it too much against the rocks. The blonde pulled Sam into a quivering embrace, nestling his face in the brunettes shoulder. Then Sam hugged him back, and when tears started to well up in his eyes, he no longer bothered to suppress his weeping.

"I-it hurt... Us..." Sam dug his fingertips into drakes back as his frame convulsed with sobs.

"Master..." Drake looked towards the green glowing form of his god. He now regarded it in a new light. Both savior and unifier.

"Master..." Sam agreed. He felt a chill shiver through his bones as the gaiaphage touched his mind in approval.

"It loves us..." A feeble grin spread across Drake's face. It wasn't true, but his dull, dead eyes sparkled in admiration and acceptance. The blonde pulled away from Sam, looking into his red-rimmed blue eyes. "I-it let me love you..."

Sam bit his lip and smiled weakly. "Do you l-love me?"

Drake nodded, squeezing sam's hand with his tentacle. "I love you." He said, and his empty gray eyes filled with heart ached truth.

Somewhere in their tortured minds, the gaiaphage had linked them. The chain was disgusting and corroded, but beneath the muck, it glimmered with blinding light, so bright it was hard to observe. Maybe, just maybe, they were meant to be together after all.

Abomination Relation (Gone fanfic~Drake x Sam)Where stories live. Discover now