Chapter 4

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Bringer of light, are you the destroyer?

The air rose with the heat escaping from the desert, high into the night sky. The pair trudged through the cooling sand, linked by a grotesque rope of flesh extending from ones arm to loop around the others torso, and an even more repulsive chain stretching the expanse between their minds. But as disgusting as it was, their link was also beautiful, and although hard to detect, it glowed with something magnificent; love.

Maybe it was the dim light of stars, or the shadows cast by their celestial bodies, that made the pair seem almost beautiful. In the low-light, the somber boy with gold flecked brown hair and skying eyes seemed perfect for a certain gray-eyed sandy blonde with a deep red tentacle of writhing flesh for an arm.

As strange as it was, even the coyotes seemed to acknowledge the pair's relationship, which just served to make it even stranger, as the coyotes knew little of love or humanity. But then again, perhaps they knew more about it than Sam and Drake.

Despite that possibility, there was certainly something between them. It was evident when the blonde observed the brunette, when his empty eyes would fill to the brim with sparks which melted away the cold steel. He looked more human than he had ever been, and the sparks seemed to save him from any further corruption.

Sam responded in kind, his over-cast sky blue eyes would clear and a smile would beam through, as brightly and warmly as the sun on the Californian coast line.

But now that sun was gone, and it was time to take action. Even a look couldn't save Sam's stormy eyes of sky now, as he was beyond solum about his up coming task. But it had to be done, one way or another.

The skyline of Perdido Beach unfolded when they rounded the hill and set foot on the asphalt highway, the tread of their sneakers scraping black tar, which the horizon matched in hue. The lights had been out of order in the FAYZ for months, and aside from a few Sammy Suns, the usually bright beach town was rendered in complete darkness.

Long ago, Sam had been it's light, it's imperfect hope. It's savior. But he couldn't be the savior, as that was the job of the Gaiaphage; a true savior. Much better than Sam had ever been. Now, Sam was still the light, but he was also the destroyer.

As they walked down side streets, hidden by the darkness which Sam had become grateful for, The brunette contemplated his situation. It was weird, that his greatest fear, the dark, had turned into his greatest ally in many more ways than one. And his greatest ally from before had betrayed him.

Astrid. She had used him, trampled him. He couldn't blame her. She thought she was helping, and she was, for a while. Her and her council had taken some of the pressure, but it guiltily wasn't enough. They all just wanted to survive, but Sam had needed more. He needed love and understanding to make survival, of himself plus an entire town, bearable. But with all the secrets, paranoia, and the lies he had to keep from Astrid and her council, it was understandable that she was angry.

But why couldn't she have comprehended Sam's perspective? He just wanted to do what was right, they all did, but she wouldn't let him. He had always done everything, and to them, he was just their pet leader. She really was smart.

But for a genius, she was so ignorant. To equate a simple slap with the agonizing sting of whip lashes... To tell him to get over it, the nightmares and fear, because her pain had been just as bad. There was no math problem she couldn't solve, no equation, and yet she had been so well intentionally wrong.

He was, thanks to his master and no thanks to her, over it. For the most part.

Ironically, his tormentor was a better lover than she had ever been over the course their last few months together.
A week ago, the choice would have been a terrified preference for Astrid over, god forbid, a zombie Drake. But now, he knew who he belonged with, and that was the boy who accompanied him in these dark times, both of past and of present.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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