Chapter 2

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Famished in the fall from grace, and into the arms of love.

Sam was sure that their mineshaft led all the way into the depths of hell. The heat was unbearable, and Sam choked on the temperatures radiating from the earths melted core. It didn't seem very far away. They had to be miles below the surface.

But there was water, if not just a little bit. It came in sparing little indentations in the earth. Surprisingly, it wasn't boiling hot, just warm, and in some places, even cool. Drake didn't need it, would never need water again, so he offered it wholly to Sam, who was beyond grateful. He had even offered what little blood he could get to seep from his body. It was sludgy, brown, and tasted like corroded metal, but at least it was cool and Sam had little problems with choking it down in fat clots. But then the wounds would heal, and there would be nothing left. Drake wished he could do more. Sam was going to die at this rate. Could he live for the rest of forever like that, without Sam?

"It hurts... so hungry..." Sam doubled over as his stomach groaned, just needing to fill itself before it digested it's own walls.

Drake held Sam close, barely feeling the brunette's raspy breath on his numb skin. He had an idea. "Master, may I?" He needn't elaborate, as he didn't want to waste Sam's air. His master knew nonetheless, as it had full access to both their minds.

"You may." The voice of their master sent chills running through them. They loved it. The voice knew, it understood. Both of them, Drake especially, found it comforting.

But now was not the time for comfort, it was the time to keep his recent lover alive. Drake raised Sam's head gently, the end of his tentacle resting below Sam's jaw. "Open your mouth." Sam did, and his teeth flashed dully in the green glow of the cave.

Drake placed his left ring finger between Sam's pearly incisors. "Bite down. It'll help."

Sam was worried, but eager. His mouth watered as he sunk his teeth into Drakes finger, penetrating the flesh until he reached bone. Much to Sam's relief, the blonde showed no signs of pain. But now the flesh against Sam's teeth was wriggling, attempting desperately to join back together. Sam almost let go. It was horrifying!

But Drake was pressing Sam's bottom jaw to meet with his top set of teeth, until they finally did with a clack and a snap of bone. The finger writhed in Sam's mouth, and he almost spit it out, but instead swallowed the small bit of flesh. It wriggled all the way down into his stomach.

"It'll grow. Hopefully 'll keep pace with your stomach... acid." He had forgotten the word.  "Now, you'll never be hungry." Drake smiled, as warmly as a cold monster like him could ever manage, and Sam practically fell into his arms with gratitude.

The hunger was more intense than he had ever felt, but at least the edge was dulled. Of course, hunger was ever-present for almost all the kids in the FAYZ, but Sam hadn't eaten (until now) since the Gaiaphage had taken his mind.  That was... How long ago? Regardless of weather it had been days or weeks or minutes, it still felt like ages.

But time didn't pass underground, a psyche just deteriorated. There was no passing of time this deep into the earth, only the passing of ones sanity. And although Drake was used to it, the lack of sanity, Sam wasn't.

Drake wanted to take Sam and leave. To go on a task for his lord, the Gaiaphage, and get some real food in Sam's stomach. Anything. Or else, they would rot in that cave. Sam first, Drake more slowly.

The later wasn't sure if he could live with that. He couldn't let Sam die down there, cradled in his messed up excuse for a pair of arms.

Luckily for Sam's life, and Drakes sanity, the Gaiaphage had a job to be done, and three hands plus a tentacle would make it light work indeed. The darkness wasn't about to let Sam go so easily.

Abomination Relation (Gone fanfic~Drake x Sam)Where stories live. Discover now