F-Friends are you s-sure

302 13 15

You saw your boss at the
Doors down he gave you your Security guard outfit.you went to the bathroom to change.when you walked out their you felt eyes on you. You thought weird.


(Y/n) p.o.v
So Mr. Frazbear said that their would be a phone call when the clock hits 12:00 okay it's only 11:57 I have to go to the office. I need to hurry.

[time skip by Bonnie cuz it's Easter🐰 okay I'm gonna shut up now😔]

GGAAHH oh it's just the phone. Hehe
Hello,hello,hello [time skip cuz I don't know that much of the phone call ssry] hey I umm just wanna warn you that the animatronic's they move around at night. They think your a endoskeleton with out a suit. So yeah watch out try would stuff you in a suit and kill you.  KILL ME WHAT I NEVER HEAR THIS BEFORE OHH NOO. (Call ended)
Okay (y/n) stay strong you looked through that cameras okay no one moved yet.
[time skip to 3AM)
WHERS BONNIE oh he's in the parts and service room okay. Wait why do I hear someone on the kitchen. Oh that's Chica okay. Wait Bonnie moves HE'S AT THE DOOR.  *shuts left door* okay good.  Okay Chica is at the stage again good. AND BONNIE IS STILL AT THE DOOR -.-
*hey can you let me in*.    Wait who was that. *its me Bonnie*. Wait what b-but your HUMAN HOW. *long story Hey ya gonna let me in or am I gonna drain all the power ya got*.   Are you gonna kill me IF I let you in. *um no why wait did you listen to the phone call*.    No...maybe....FINE I DID. *I KNEW IT XD* (opens door) HAPPY NOW -.- *Very thank you so what your name*. Oh my name it's (y/n) *nice name. No wait lovely name*.  Umm thanks.  *so (y/n) wanna meet the others*.   Umm maybe later it's 5AM you should get back it's about to be 6AM maybe tomorrow I can how does that sound.  *PERFECT XD*. Oh my God XD. *okay (y/n) see you later bye* Bye Bonnie.

Gold's p.o.v (did not see that did ya)
Hhmm so Bonnie talked to the security guard named (y/n). Ooh I got it I would see her tomorrow. This is gonna be fun.
Hey guys so I might update another chapter today idk if I can do bai
                Phoenix/Blonde~ out

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