Spending time with Golden Freddy •^•

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(Thk you guys I'm gonna cry well let's see how much ppl like this book so fare comment down below and I feel like updating today well hears the story enjoy :3)

(Y/n) your mine forever and ever.

Golden Freddy's p.o.v
As (y/n) fell asleep I just hugged her... I know Animatronic's don't have feelings and stuff but when I see her or touch her I feel like she was my light into the darkness... (Writer~chan: Awww Goldie sempai (/•^•)/  Goldie: hey writer~chan...I have a weird feeling can you tell me please...  Writer~chan; Awww yessss what do you feel like. Goldie: well every time when (y/n) gets close I feel like she's my light into the darkness... Writer~chan: aww you love her 💯😍 Goldie: oh I guess i do now back to the story please Writer~chan: aww okay ttyl Goldie)

Do I love her... I think I do... Well it's 6:00 the bell rang and (y/n) jumped up hehe she's so cute~  are you okay (y/n) ~ hmm yes I jumped because of the bell sorry... Hahah it's okay (y/n)~ oh yeah I forgot I'm staying with you... Yeah we should get to the "Parts and Service" room before kids come~ yeah okay let's go- wait (y/n) I can teleport to the "Parts en' Service" room~ oh you can. Yes hold my hand okay. Okay Goldie. Wait Goldie? Oh yeah I gave you a nick name hehe. Oh okay  (y/n).

^time skip^

(Y/n) p.o.v
All we did was talked and stuff. We got to get to know each other. Hey (y/n) wanna play a game? Sure what game? Just then Goldie came up to me and tickle me. G-G-Gold s-stap p-please I c-can breath hahaha. Aw I don't wanna your to cute~ fuck I can feel my face heat up fuck... Aww someone I blushing~  I umm u-umm. Your so cute ya know that~ meep *hides face (/.\)*
hey um (y/n) can I tell you something.. S-sure Goldie. I l-like y-you... Y-you d-do? Y-yes..
(A short lemon)
Then gold leans down and kissed you. You madly blush. But you kiss back, then he puts his young in your mouth exploring it all the nook and cranny(ssry this is my first lemon:3) then you moan. He smiles in the kiss then you two break apart huffing and puffing. (Lemon over maybe hehe) then you lean on his shoulder and he said I love you and remember that (y/n) your mine...  Goldie? Yeah (y/n)? I love you to <3 just then I peck him on the lips. Aww can it be longer (y/n). Ugh fine. You crawled on him lap then you made out for 2 minutes. When that was done Goldie pecked you on the lips. And your my TeddyBear Goldie. Heh and your mine to.  (Y/n) it's 9:00 do you want me to help you get your things at your ex's house... Yeah sure *le sigh*

^time skip^

We're hear gold can you stay next to me the whole way please... Of course (y/n) I will. Oh look it's the dumb bitch-.- HEY IM NOT A DUMB BITCH ya fag-.- HOW DARE YOY TALK BACK TO ME!?!?! Last time I checked were not together so I can call you whatever. Ggrrr JUST GET YO THINGS AND LEAVE!?!? STOP YELLING AT (Y/N) SHE DID NOTHING TO YOU NOW DID SHE?! HMPH WHO ARE YOU, WAIT ARE YOU HER BOYFRIEND OR SOMETHING!?!? Maybe why do you care😒. Just get out of my site NOW!! Geez fine but promise me something. What (y/n) -.-  tell your father (the devil😈) I said hi all the way down to hell please 😊🖕. Fuck you go to hell (y/n) -.- oh I already am.

Okay well that was the chapter hope u like it well bai

(GoldenFreddyXreader human) ON HOLD~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt