Heart broken

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(your p.o.v)
As I walked back to the office I saw gold waiting for me, then I saw Chica making out with him. I ran out of the hall way, I passed Freddy (you we're crying )then you tried to stop crying from the image in your head. Hey (y/n)n what's wrong, are you crying. Huh, oh n-no I'm n-not. (y/n)(; ̄д ̄)What, okay fine I'm crying o-okay. What happened, tell me an i willI will handle it : D. I went in the bathroom, when I came out I saw gold and Chica making out....... WHAT HOW DARE HER grrr I will be back (y/n) okay. O-okay.

^le time skip^

Chica's p.o.v (before the making out)
UGH WHY DOES (Y/N) GET TO HAVE GOLD HE'S ALL MINE... Wait she's in the bathroom right now and got is in the security office waiting for her hehe... As I walk into the office gold saw me I walk over to him and forcing myself to make out with him. Then I heard (y/n)n run away my plan has worked YES...

^l time skip^

(y/n)'s p.o.v
*play song*

I really hate stop getting in my way,
I've lost my patients, when are you gonna decay, I want to throw you out just like my broken tv, if you'll come back once more it shall be painful you'll see, I hope yyou die in a fire, get stabbed in the heart, hope you get shot of expire, hope you'll b taken apart, hope this is what you desire.

It almost over, why can you juat let it fly, don't be afraid, it not the first time you'll die,

Your mechanical parts click,

Sounds like when I break your bones

Once I get my second chance, I won't leave you alone, I hope you die I a fire,hope you'll be stabbed in t the heart, hope you get shot and expire

Hope you'll be taken apart.

I hope you die in a fire,hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, hope you get shot and expire,

Hope you'll be taken apart, hope this I what you desire

You~ I hope you die in a fire.

(y/n)'s p.o.v
After the i ranIran in t kitchen, grabbed a knifeaknife a ran t Chica, HEHE HEY CHICA WE'RE YA GO ALL I WANT TO DO I PLAY..... WE'LL I DONT (Y/N)...AWW PLAYING HIDE "n"n SEEK NOW.... (damn you became yander...) YES NO I SONTIS ON WANT TO DIE... OMG YOUR DEAD ALREADY HAHAHAH. HEAR COM'S (y/n)!!! FOUND YOU!!!! Then I stabbed Chica, messing up her wire's, oil coming out, last thing a spat a her I HOPE YO DIE IN A FIRE, STABBED IN THE HEART. Chica lays their knocked out... Thats what ya get for taking gold... Istarted t sing "Her Last Words"

Just an average girl, she always wore a smile, she was cheerful and happy for a short while
Now she's older,  things are getting colder
Life's not what she thought
She wished someone had told her
She told you she was feeling down,you let it slip down
So from then on s kept it on the inside
She told her self she was alright but she was telling white lies can you tell loo a her dull eyes
(as yo keep singing yo we're crying an holding a knife)
Tried from stop herself from crying almost every night but she knew there was no chance of feeling alright
Summer can by, all she wore was long sleeves,  cause the cuts on her wrist we're bleeding  through you see
Sh knew she was depressed didn't want to admint it
She carried on like a soldier with a battle wound
Bleeding out from every cut on her body consumed s had n friends a school, all alone she sat and I someone we're t notice s would blame theethe cat by those cuts on her wrist, they we're NO MISTAKE but no on cared enough to save her fro the self hate
Thing we're going down, never really up and here shee is now stuck I this stupid rut she knew exactly what s had to do next
Just stand on the chair a tie t ROPE around he neck, she wrote a note a letter with her hand shaking wild
"Look a m now, are you proud of your precious child?" But she knew that her parents weren't t ones to blame it was the world that should bow down its head in shame sh stood up on the chair an looked out the moon
Just Dont think, it'll al b over soon the chair fell down as she took her final breath,  Its all over, all gone, now she's greeting death
He mum walks insin, sh fells down t t floor  and now nothing can take it back what she just saw
The little girl that sh raised is just hanging there
Her bodys pale and her face is violently bare she sees the note an unfolds it care all she does I stare, "how ca this be fare?" sh stars reading as the tears roll down her face
"I sorry mom but this world Is justsjust no my place ive tried for s long t fix this worlds full of sin there's nothing for me here I'm just a waste of space ive got no reason to stay here with this awful race it's a  disgrace, I was a misplaced
Born I think wrong time, and in the wrong place it's OK though cause you'll see me soon just loo a the moon
As it shines bright, throughout the night
Andremember everyones facing their own fight
But I can't deal with the pain, I'm no a fighter youll ma it through the night, just hug you pillow tighter
So let the world know, that i diedidied I vain
Because the world around me, is the one to blame
An i know in a year, you'll forget I'm gone cause I'm not really something to be dwelled on
Thats what they used to tell me, all those kids at school
So I'm going by the law majority rules
M presence on this earth I not needed any longer
And if anything,i hope make yo stronger
Your the best friend, that i ever had such a shame i hadihad t make you s very sad
But just remember the yo meant everything to me
And to my heart, your the only on that held the key
No it's time to go, I'm running out of space to write
And yes i lostI lost my fight, but please hold on tight
I watching over you, from the cloud above an sending down the purest an whitest dove
To watch over you, and be my helpful eye so this Is It, world, Goodbye" just then you we're about to stab yourself with the knife, but gold push it away from you. WHAT ARE YOU DOING (Y/N) HUH?? y-you saw t whole thing about Chican and me flight, the me singing this song? YES I DID, lo i cantI can lose you... Oh You did already gold... What do you mean?!?!  "To watch over you, and be my helpful eye so this is it, world,Goodbye" "......"
Cheat o me again i WILLI kill myself. And Chica don't mess wit me EVER again okay, okay!

(GoldenFreddyXreader human) ON HOLD~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt