Finding him

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Shawn's P.O.V

All my life I've wanted to find my son, he was taken away from after he was born, his mom died after giving birth and nobody thought I would handle the grief of my dead with and raising a baby on my own, especially with my crazy career going on. For 10years I've been looking for him, I have no idea what his name is or what he looks like, so the chance of finding him was really unlikely.Everyday I feel him, I know he's close and I know somehow he's just like me.
It's just a normal day on my way to the studio when I hear music, I look around out of the window to see where it was coming from and my eyes land on a boy, about about 10-11 and he was strumming the guitar he held in his hands like it was the most precious thing in his life, but also like he felt the music, like the music run throughout his body at the sound and feel of the guitars echo and the strings vibration.

I slowly got out of my car and walked across the road after looking both ways, once I got to the boy, he was singing, singing a song, a song that had so much emotion in it, and it amazed me that such a small boy could emit such a loud scream of emotion and sadness, I watched him till he was packing up and watched him walk until I realised I should talk to him, so I jogged after him "wait" I say tapping him on the shoulder "you wanna get a cup of coco and then go with me to my music studio, if you want?" "Sure, I can be gone as long as I want nobody will notice I was even gone" he says in a sad voice "I think I would, you amazing" I say trying to make him smile, and he did but it disappeared again "nah, they don't let me use my stuff in the house they say I'm annoying and annoying" "your parents don't understand your talent" "I don't have parents" he says with a soft smile.
Once we get the coco I take him to my car and we are on our way to the studio, once we get there I introduce him to my manager and get him to sing and play "where'd you come from boy" my manager asks him "here America" "and you say you have no parents, correct?" "Correct" "what's your name?" "George y/l/n" my eyes widen at his name, it can't be "when were you born?" I question him "the 23rd of June 2019" it is, my manager looks at me knowing exactly what I know "I'm your father, I'M YOUR FATHER, YO-YOUR MY SON" I exclaim

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