Left for my best friend Part 2

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Shawn's P.O.V

I got back with the boys and I walk into the tour bus bed part and see y/n laid on her sight talking to Aaron, which has sadly become very familiar to me, their voices almost sounding like one, making me grit my teeth against each other. I sit on my bed, slumping forward releasing a huge sigh trying to relieve myself of stress "baby" "Shawn" I hear her voice say almost not releasing that she was speaking to me as she barely has these past 2 months of tour. I turn my head to see her face showing we a soft smile, as the nice person I am and the person that loves her to much I send her a smile back. "Are you ok?" She says with a chuckle then looking to Aaron, which then makes him laugh, making me angry and without meaning so I explode "ok, OK, YOU THINK I'M FUCKING OK, YOU KEEP GOING OF WITH MY BEST FRIEND AND LEAVING ME ALONE PROBABLY SHOVING YOUR TONGUE DOWN HIS THROAT" then I turn to Aaron "and you" I start of with a dark voice "you, Holding my girl, MY FUCKING GIRL AND WALKING AROUND WITH HER LIKES SHE YOUR OWN, LAUGHING WITH HER LIKE I'M NOT THERE" I say pulling him from his top bed onto the ground, making him fall back straight onto the floor, he gets up shaken from my outburst and aggressive action towards him.

I walk closer to him pushing him against the wall with probably the most fierce face with the most deathly eyes possible and start shouting again "HOW DARE YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO ASK ME IF I'M OK, WHEN YOUR GOING AROUND PROBABLY FUCKING MY GIRL, LIKE A WHORE" without thinking I turn and pull y/n from her bed, my voice deep again " and I bet you love it, don't you, all touchy feely and rough, just how you like it" I can tell I freaked her out, when I see tears appear in her eyes and see her chest heaving as she panted trying to breath through the lump that was locked in her throat. "Shawn no, I would never- ever do t-ha-at you- you know that" she let's out in a plea for my forgiveness and then I hear that pricks voice speak again "man, chill, I'm your best friend, why would I do that, I'm respectful man, GEEZ, plus she's like a sister to me" he let's out panting still trying to get over what I had done to him. With tears slowly trickling down my face as I look at my beautiful girlfriend in a state that could possible make Voldemort the nicest person on the earth because of how sad she looked, terrified even, it broke my heart.

"Then someone please, please tell me what's happening, why do you keep avoiding me, you never kiss me anymore" I cry looking at y/n who sits next to me and cries along wrapping her arms around me. Aaron sat down oppressive us and sighed, he looked at y/n and nodded y/n began to speak "the reason I don't kiss you anymore is because, because I throw up every morning and the reason I don't surround myself much around you is because your cologne makes me feel sick and the reason me and Aaron are always talking and stuff is because, well if you haven't guessed already--" she stops looking at me almost as if waiting for a response, I look at her confused "I don't know, what's the reason?" I ask " well first off let me just state, that you'll have a lot more time to make up for the 2 months probably the rest of your life to spend with me because Shawn" she pauses making me metaphorically sit on the edge of my seat.

She smiles softly and I see Aaron smile too, he looks at me and says "your gonna be a dad bro" my face still the same before his what he had said, not understanding. They leave me a couple seconds and then only do I realise what they've been saying, I turn to y/n my face as excited as a puppies at playtime, I pull her quickly into my embrace tears of happiness and relief now replaced the tears of anger and sadness.
Later that day MagCon, y/n and I sat in the room and me and y/n announced the news surprisingly everybody had been waiting for that to happen and they were extremely proud and happy for us, and I decided now was a less tense atmosphere and said sorry to Aaron for earlier "Oh yeah, umm Aaron, I'm sorry for earlier, I really am, I know you'd never do that and I just, there was no reason for it and I just want to say thank you for supporting my babies" I get up and bro hug him, when he pulls back he says "it's fine bro, I'm just so thankful you didn't beat my ass, coz I swear any moment you would have done Avada Kedavra on me or something" making everyone laugh. "Don't do it again otherwise who knows" I joke with him.

Shawn Mendes Imagine Part 2Where stories live. Discover now