It's time Part 2

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Y/n P.O.V

Shawn and I have been engaged for about 5years now, the excuse was because he had work, I had work and the most precious reason is because Shawn wanted the wedding to be perfect. He has been organising it since before he even proposed to me, it was touching to here, I've never felt so special especially for this long for one thing, and I know people are always like your wedding is one of the most beautiful things you can get in life, I didn't believe it till I saw the amount of effort Shawn had been putting into it.
I have tried every year to get him to have the wedding that year but every year he would say it wasn't right yet, he hadn't perfected it yet. I'm sure he was scared for the wedding, and I think I know the reason why. The reasons for it having to be perfect was probably because of how he had hurt me before he proposed, I understood why he hurt me and that the fault wasn't his, only the actions were. Shawn had been taken into hospital, a mental hospital after suffering a head injury which changed his personality completely. He managed to fight through it but during that time he would hit me and call me stuff, once he was back to normal he realised what he'd done and from then on he just wanted everything perfect.

I've been trying this year just like the others in hope he would be done with it and we could get married, I had meany doubts that this wouldn't happen once again and I was proven right when just last week Shawn said a few of his friends and himself would be going away for 2 week on business and just a trip to get away from the women. He got a rightly earned slap to the head for that statement but I let him go.
Right now I'm sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea in my hand just day dreaming of what the wedding will be like, what kind of surprised he has I store for me. I'm sure I won't be disappointed especially with the amount of time he's had to prepare for this, 5 years, it a long time. I find myself day dreaming of back when we were kids in high school and the times he would watch me but never approach me, it always freaked me out. The first time he came to talk to me I swear I almost pissed my pants, he was tall, he had a big muscles and eyes that stared into my soul, oh and the scar on his face. All those features showed to me that he was a bad guy, but when he spoke I could have laughed at him all day, his voice was so sweet and charming, he spoke with so much respect.

I was snapped from my thoughts at the sound of the letter box and coco my brown Labrador s feet padding against the floor. He walked in with a envelope in his mouth, I turned confused not once in my life have I seen a bill letter that was decorated in such a fashionable envelope. Once Coco let me have it I turned it over to see it was addressed to me not Shawn and I, I flipped it over again and opened it, when I opened it I saw a decorated piece of card it looked like a flyer for a fancy company, I rolled my eyes and tutted.
Once I pulled it out more I saw my name on it and then pulled it out all together intrigued to see what I had been sent, I began reading the fancy lettering 'Women y/l/n' it read making me laugh, he always calls me women and then my last name like I'm the queen of something 'I would like to invite you to your wedding which will be on Saturday February 14th 2015, If you don't come then I hope you can find someone better than this fine piece of ish' straight away from the words I knew Shawn had either written this himself or paid someone a hell of a lot of money to do it.

After laughing at his words I realised what day that was, ITS ONLY 3 DAYS UNTIL MY WEDDING, I don't have anything, no money, no dress, no life, no anything. Just before I dropped to the floor and cried myself to sleep in sadness I picked up the envelope and out fell a gold card, my eyes were shocked, it was a credit card, I picked it up and looked inside the envelope once more to see a little slip of paper 'spend it wisely princess I know you will p.s. Buy whatever the heck you won't it's your day no body can stop you.
This man brings so much happiness into my life, I'm so glad we saw each other in detention all those years back. Is soon as I sent him a text after not being able to talk to him I got in my car and headed off to the mall with my golden card, I walked through the mall like a boss, I felt like I was floating on air. After spending a few hours at the mall I left with a beautiful white dress with jewels all over it and a pair of glittery 4 inch heels, wanting to be a bit taller for my husband to be.

3 DAYS LATER : walking down the Isle
It's Time. I'm currently standing with my father(or Shawn's) waiting to be guided down the Isle and handed over, my nerves had kicked in and my legs felt like jelly and the now regrettable choice for 4 inch heels had come to mind. I clutched tightly on to my/Shawn's fathers arm "please don't let me fall" sounding like a complete reck, he responded "never" and kissed my head. Breathing in and out deeply trying to calm down as the music started playing and the sound of chairs scrapping against the floor like the first time I saw shawn was heard, I gulped and blinked back the tears of anxiety.
I was led out by my arm being feed calming words as we walked down the Isle, all eyes were on me I looked up to see Shawn standing there with a awe stricken expression on his face, my eyes glanced over his outfit, which was a tux and then at the best man who was Mr. Whitesides, he looked at me with a soft smile, and then I looked at the have boys the group of them consisted in order of Skate then Jack j, Nash then Jack G, Cameron then Aaron, Taylor then Sammy, and lastly Matthew, Hayes and Carter. It surprised me that they were all here for this occasion it been ages since I last saw them in the same room at one. Once we finished school they all kind of dispersed to do their own stuff. I was soon being handed over to Shawn the sweet words from my/Shawn's fathers mouth stopping and I realised, I MADE IT, I DIDN'T FALL. "Take care of her" "I will" Shawn responded.

"I Shawn Peter Raul Mendes Take The Y/f/n Y/l/n to be my lawfully wedded wife" blah blah blah "I Y/f/n Y//l/n Take the Shawn Peter Raul Mendes To Be My Lawfully Wedded husband" blah blah blah (no body really cares about the rest so that's why it's blah blah blah) "I Now Pronounce You Man And Wife" he was interrupted my Cameron "YOU MAY NOW KISS YOUR WOMEN" he shouted out making everyone laugh including Shawn and I, and we engulfed each other in our arms and kissed passionately making the cheers erupt and ewes be heard from the little kid that attended mostly the boys family and friends and mine who apparently said they 'had to attend'.
Shawn is currently guiding me to the after party room and I'm nervous because he says that the whole world will be jealous when they see how amazing and unique it is. When the black double doors opened I could have almost died at the amount of space that was seen, it looked like the hall in Harry potter, the tables set out with candle racks and small lights which lite up the tables of buffet food, and then the table right at the end probably for us. "This is amazing" I cried out holding on to Shawn and squeezing him softly in thanks, he started guiding me down the middle row between the tables. I looked up to the sky and saw the roof was ongoing almost like there was no roof, it was covered in what seemed to be a video projection of space with stars and many different colours, JUST LIKE IN HARRY POTTER, it was beautiful.

After a few speeches it was time for our first dance as man and wife, the spotlight was on us and everyone absolutely everyone had gathered around. Shawn started moving with me before the music had started and when it did start I swear I could have cried in his arms because as we danced Ed Sheeran - Thinking out loud played not on a cd but live. Ed stood on the stage singing my most favourite song to me, I looked up and sang along with him as I gazed up at the projected stars on the ceiling, leaning into Shawn.
That day was shockingly one of the best days of my life, and Shawn was and forever will be the love of my life, well partly he shares the right of my eternal love for Harry Potter And Ed Sheeran's voice. Haha.

Shawn Mendes Imagine Part 2Where stories live. Discover now