Part 12

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Amrita was listening to her favourite song on her playlist. Old is gold and never lets the heart grow cold. The old song still gave her a warm feeling every time she heard it.

She felt restless when she woke up in the morning. She had too many thoughts in her head but was not sure what she wanted. Three days went by really fast and she did not realise when the time for them to return to their real lives came about.

Arjun was busy attending calls the past three days and had had meetings with the hotel owner regarding their contribution for the planning of the tourist town in Krishi. Abhi had, the first time, handed over the working of the complete project to Arjun, trusting his instincts. Mahi and he had spent the last three days roaming the markets with the families, the two of them sticking like glue to each other making the most of the time they got, to be together.

It was time to leave the hill station after breakfast. Amrita was reminiscing with Mohit about their childhood, sitting in the lounge.

Her eyes flitted to the elevator time and again in hopes of catching a glimpse of Arjun. She had rarely seen him since their walk in the garden, except at dinner the night before, where he kept being interrupted by calls.

Finally, all the luggage was collected and brought to the cars in front of the hotel. Everyone was saying their goodbyes and commenting on how good and much needed the vacation had been.

There was still no sign of Arjun. Was he really going to let her leave without even saying goodbye? Amrita thought.

Arjun's hands were tightly clasped within the rough and hairy hands of the hotel's owner. He was laughing heartily at his own jokes and thanking Arjun for the chance to invest in such a big project. Arjun was getting restless, trying to subtly remove his hands from the others'. It was nearly time to leave. What if Amrita's family left before he even got a chance to say goodbye. He had not even been able to talk to her for the last three days. All through the meetings and phone calls, half his mind was constantly occupied by her. All he was able to manage was looking at her from a distance at the dinner table, before being interrupted by another godforsaken phone call by one of the many brokers.

He sighed to himself, the hotel owner just wouldn't let go of his hands. He kept on cracking really bad jokes. At last, he was able to pry his hands off! He made a lame excuse and rushed out to the hotel gate. He saw his and Mohit's family, but Amrita's family was nowhere to be seen. Disappointment spread through him. She was gone. He felt like the light had gone off inside him. Someone called out his name. When he did not respond, someone lightly tapped his shoulder. He turned around, hope bubbling up inside him, which was doused soon enough.

Mahi said, "You look sad to see me. What happened?" He shook his head giving a faint smile that did not reach his eyes.

"Anyway, we've all been waiting for you. My aunt and uncle are all waiting for you in the car park to say goodbye."

Seeing the spark return in Arjun's eyes, Mahi gave an understanding grin and said, "You have me to thank for stalling them." Arjun gave her a grateful look and rushed to the car park.

Amrita's eyes lit up and butterflies started dancing in her tummy as she saw him appear at the entrance to the car park. Mahi had heard Amrita asking Mohit where Arjun was so Mahi asked her fiancé Abhi to stall Amrita's parents till Arjun came. Amrita bit her lip to hide the huge blush that came over her as Arjun approached near them.

Abhi was standing with Amrita's family engaging them in conversation. Arjun folded his hands, lightly bowing his head to wish her parents goodbye. They greeted him with equal warmth. Next, he turned his attention to Amrita. She was looking at him trying very hard to school her features and mask off any emotion other than a polite pleasantry. He extended his right hand a little, to hold hers, but realised it was not appropriate. He fisted his hand tightly and drew it back. "Bye," he smiled tightly. There was so much he wanted to say to her.

"Bye," she replied. I don't want to leave without you, she wanted to say.

Amrita's father asked him, "I hear you have hired Amrita to run a bakery in this area nearby. That is really good but I am worried it won't be easy for her to commute this far."

Arjun replied, "Yes uncle, it was because of her that I am able to acquire that place of business at all. I am afraid there won't be a deal if she is not a part of running it. Please don't worry, I will be responsible for her."

Amrita's eyebrows shot up. He will be responsible for me? Damn! I need to stop reading more than what he says in his words. Of course, he has to responsible, he is the one buying the bakery.

With that, Amrita's parents got into the car and Amrita shuffled her feet trying to delay her leaving. She gave him a last smile and proceeded to leave.

Arjun watched as the car left, taking his spirits with it. He felt empty.

Abhi stood beside him, and repeated his words, "I will be responsible for her. That is what you just said. What has gotten into you? Why do you look like you are in hell? Do you like Amrita?"

Arjun sighed, "Don't worry, I will be over it in a few days." I hope, he added to himself.

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