Part 22

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Why do you have to leave so soon Amrita?" whined Mahi.

"Stay a few days more! Mom, ask her to stay longer!" Mahi said to her mom.

The cajoling and bickering bore no fruit. Amrita's bags were packed to leave for the next day, but one very special dinner awaited.

"Who knows if you will even be present for my wedding. You might have already left for Europe or wherever it is you are planning to go for your pastry chef course," Mahi simmered.

"Well, that does not seem like it is going to happen anytime soon. Because of Arjun's words, my parents now want me to go to the school in Delhi instead and it is difficult to convince them otherwise."

Amrita sighed, then continued, "Still, I am going to a dinner, with Mr Arjun Singhal."

Mahi looked astonished.

"Where did that come from? What about Kabir?" Mahi asked on hearing about this shocking turn of events.

"I went on that lunch with him, spent some time with him, but I realise I feel indifference towards Kabir now," Amrita voiced her deepest thoughts solemnly.

"So Arjun is what now?"

"Arjun," Amrita struggled for words, "Well, Arjun... he is just someone I want to sit with all day long."

Mahi looked baffled, "What do you mean you want to sit with him? Like, babysit together?"

She thought about who Arjun was to her,

If his heart can be mine then I don't want anything else offered on this planet. I want eternal bliss, but I want it with him.

Amrita looked over at Mahi who was looking at her weirdly.

"What? Tell me! Why are you zoning out?"

"I just don't understand why I like him so much. I am nervous about the dinner, but it is good anticipation," Amrita smiled.

"Well, get ready for your date, I am leaving. Let me know what you will wear before you leave," Mahi said as she picked up her phone getting up to leave the room.

"You know you will have to cover for me today at home Mahi."

"Goes without saying kid," Mahi winked. "We'll just tell everyone - since Arjun helped you get the bakery, you, me, him and Abhi are going out together. I would've added Mohit's name as well but he will never be able to keep a straight face if he is questioned. He can never keep a secret."

Amrita smiled greatfully.

Amrita was wearing a girlish red top, with her long hair open. Her dark jeans were just the right size for her.

"What! You are going on a date, you are supposed to wear something formal, not jeans and top. Change it immediately!" Mahi scolded when Amrita showed her her outfit.

"No, I am comfortable in this, I will feel cold otherwise. I won't be able to enjoy myself or the food if I am not comfortable."

"Oh my god! Who cares about the cold or the food at a time like this Amrita?!" Mahi rolled her eyes.

"I do, it is very important to me. I will keep shivering otherwise, how am I supposed to eat and talk?"

"Fine, you look pretty anyway," Mahi said, resigned.

Arjun drove to Mahi's house, nervous and excited like never before. Amrita was waiting for him by the staircase along with Mahi. Hearing the car stop, her heart started thudding in her chest. Mahi went over to where Arjun was waiting, looking over for Amrita to come out of the shadows. But Amrita wouldn't move, so fraught with this sudden change of events was she. Just today Arjun had been so far from her and now, he was so near, in mind and body. Now he was here to spend time just with her.

Love, Arranged by mother natureWhere stories live. Discover now