79. Rescue mission: A prince and a princess

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'Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you'

-Loretta Young

"T-This is it!" The man said pointing at a giant stone building.

I couldn't help but stare at it in awe and disbelief. When the chief said it was in between the heat of the sun and the cold of the snow, he wasn't kidding! The base seemed to be the border line of the snow and heat itself.

"Unbelievable" Hinata said breathlessly.

The man we had taken with us whimpered in fear and tried to run off, but Hinata punched him in his chest with her gentle fist and he was out like a light. I clenched my hands tightly into fist as an image of Naoki flashed through my mind.
"There's a little girl in there scared and ready to be taken home" I said firmly "and we're going to get her out of there!"

"You bet!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Alright!" I said, pulling out a Kunai "then there's no time to waste!"

~Naoki's POV~

I watched the two girls walk into the base with their weapons out on the screen Kuro was holding.

"Hmm" he said simply, setting the screen down on the table.

I gulped nervously as Kuro came over to me and knelt to my level again.

"You and I have the same goals at hand little one" he said slowly "you want something and as do I. You want to get out of here and I want the girl with silver hair you saw."

"W-Why do you want her" I asked curiously.

"Why wouldn't I" he said laughing slightly "we were suppose to be married! However, those stupid men came and ruined everything! She was to be my princess and mine alone! Ryuku wasn't going to stop me; though he tried! Ryuku never liked me; it's not my fault he loved his own DAMN SISTER!"

Kuro slammed his fist on the steel table and I gasped in surprise as it broke clean in half. Kuro exhaled a shaky breath; his black eyes glistened maliciously as a sadistic smile spread across his face.

"If I can't have Ruka Kiyomizu" Kuro said quietly "then no one can."

My eyes widened as Kuro began laughing evilly and left the room.

~Ruka's POV~

The last mans body hit the ground as the water I had conjured slowly drained from the room and Hinata deactivated her Byakugan.

"Ok" I said biting my lip "Naoki should be in that cell straight ahead."

"Yeah the only problem is that thing is locked up tight" Hinata said standing next to me.

This was very true, seeing as the door had Chakra wires as sharp as needles surrounding it and it was encased with a steel door and there were traps by it.

"How are we going to get in there" Hinata asked curiously.

"There's only one way to get in there."

We turned towards the new voice and saw a boy that was probably 14 or 15; a year or so older then us. He was wearing a cloak so I couldn't see his face but his eyes, I could see, were a deep, ominous black.

"How'd I miss one" Hinata asked as she activated her Byakugan.

I don't think so. Something just doesn't....feel right. Hinata charged at him as he smirked and remained completely still. My eyes widened and fear began to fill me.

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