Introducing my life

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So, I'm here, in my shitty little room, in this shitty little orphanage in a shitty little village on the outskirts of Athlone. And here comes the part where I would tell you my sob story of how I got here.

Well. I don't have a sob story. Not much of one anyway. My Mum died during birth, and my Dad is in jail. It was my Aunt that put me in here. She was next in line to take care of me but, well, she simply didn't want to.

I've been here since I was six. I'm fifteen now so that's...nine years?? My birthday has already been and done, it wasn't much of one. I got a happy birthday from the only person here that I can tolerate. Tori. We aren't friends. But we aren't enemies. Everyone else however, hates me. And I hate them back. I'm not a pushover. If they sass me, I sass them back. If they hurt me, I hurt them back. And if they ever kill me, well, let's just say there'll be one angry ghost roaming ghost around the world.

Today is Monday. The first day of adoption day. On the weekend we have no hope of being adopted. Miss. Munnings, the Mother of the orphanage, likes to give us the weekend to do whatever she wants. What? Did you think we got some sort of a break? Nah, we're pretty much prisoners here until someone decides they want to pay our bail.

Currently I'm in my room on my laptop. The only item I own that I actually care about. Yep, you could take all of my clothes, food, even my hair but if you so much a look at my laptop, I'll kill you.

I'm on YouTube watching Jacksepticeye. He's the only person in the world that can help me through my darkest days. And that's every day. Somehow he always seems to make me smile and laugh, and for a moment, I feel like my life is okay. Right now I'm watching him play his 'would you rather #5 facepaint challenge'. I'm constantly laughing, I mean, how can you not?? And the greatest thing about Jack, is that he shows me, just for a glimpse, that I'm not completely heartless.

I have my own Youtube channel too. StAtIcHeArT. To show that the heart and what it wants isn't always clear. I only have 47 subscribers, 13 videos and, well, not very many comments. Some were nice. Some weren't. I replied to all of them...appropriately.

Crap!! It's almost 1:00!! That means adoption time opens. I literally have like ten minutes to get ready. Now, I wouldn't give a shit, if I wasn't in my pajamas. Don't get me wrong. I love Pj's. But nobody's gonna wanna even look at me if I don't look a little nice. And yes, I wouldn't mind being adopted, at least, by someone who would actually want to keep me. I've been with three other people. Two of them were a couple, who thought I would be a slave for them. So I spray painted facts about how slavery was abolished all over their furniture. The other guy thought he could use me as a sex toy. End result: I'm still a Virgin. He's never having kids of his own.

Okay. Time to get dressed. Let's see. Ripped skinny jeans. Green and blue converse. BOOPER DOOPER shirt. Army green, sleeveless jacket, keep it open. Dark green bandanna along with a septic eye necklace. (I pretty much stole Miss. Munnings credit card and bought all these). And to finish off, hair in a ponytail, a couple of charity, band and YouTube wristbands. And I'm set. Oh wait!! I almost forgot my glasses. I have myopia, or for some of you, short sightedness. There we go. I can see now. And with two minutes to spare, let's get lined up downstairs.

I hide my laptop in the top of my wardrobe and rush out of the room. As I reach the top of the stairs, I notice Sandra, Clyde, Veronica and Victor coming out of their room. Most of the kids here share a room, but since I was the oldest, I got one to myself. Miss. Munnings always said that if I never got adopted then I'd probably have to run the orphanage with her. I told her I'd rather drink bleach. She hates me. I hate her back.

Just then I felt something hard but small hit the back of my head. I looked down at the ground and saw a stone with the letters BDI scratched into them. I knew exactly what they meant. Bipolar Depressive Insomniac. Hey, I can't help it. At least I'm not suicidal. Yet. And hey, what did I tell ya before. If they hurt me, I hurt them back. I pick up the stone, and seeing them all laughing together and paying no attention. I pelt it back at them. I don't know who I hit. I don't care. Someone screamed, but they all sound like banshees so it's hard to tell the difference. I simply and calmly went downstairs.

Unfortunately we had to go in age order. And since people who come to adopt want younger and cuter children, the youngest go first, and the oldest go last. Which means I'm last. I'm used to it though. I've always been last and I always will. I kinda prefer it this way. Then, you don't have to sit for ages while they go through the rest of the kids and hope that they pick you, only to find out they've chosen someone else or nobody at all.

I've been stood here for about twenty minutes now while this one guy talked to everyone else. I don't know who the hell he was. I'd just overhead some of the other children talk about him. He's Irish (No shit Sherlock). Apparently his hair is green and his eyes are a piercing baby blue. Kinda reminds me of Jacksepticeye. Some of the children said he was scary. I don't care. I probably won't be going home with whoever this guy is anyway. Speaking of which. It's now my turn to meet him. Wish me good luck. Not that it'll turn out to be any use anyway...

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