Introducing A Therapist

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Your POV:

I did it again. I didn't know what else to do. Everyone had left and gone home. And I know I should be happy with just Jack but...those guys are my family too...and it tore me apart when I woke up to find that they'd left without even saying goodbye. Of course they had to leave during the night to catch their flights...but it still hurt like hell. I mean, I wouldn't have minded if they woke me up...I just wanted to say goodbye...and thankyou. They don't realise how much they've helped me.

I hide the razor back in the crack where the wall meets the ceiling, slicing the tip of my finger as I pushed it in. I seethed in pain and lost my grip as I pulled away, slipping from standing on the toilet seat and landing on my spine.

There was no way Jack didn't hear that.

Yep. Here he comes.

"(Y/N)!?" He called as he slammed through the door. "Oh god...why!?" Tears threatened to spill as he examined my bleeding cuts.

"I didn't get to say goodbye..."

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry t'ey had ta' go, but you wouldn't want ta' be away from home for long would ya?" He asked as he gently wiped my cuts with anti-bacterial wipes.

I didn't respond, just hung my head in shame. I should be happy for them, and hope that they got home safely. God I'm such an asshole!! Why should they care if I wanted to say goodbye. Why should they care about me at all?? We're not related. We've known eachother less than a week. Why should they care!? But we had so much fun together, in those few moments, we became closer than I thought could be possible. I started sobbing as Jack finished bandaging up my arms, and he came round the back of me and hugged me as he leaned against the wall.

"Sweetheart, I promise, everyt'ing is gonna be okay. You can Skype te' lads, and we'll be able ta' arrange visits back and forth. Plus, you've hardly been here a week, t'ere's so much more for you ta' explore and discover. And I swear, on my life, I'll be t'ere to share every moment, every joy, every fear, everyt'ing, with you." He murmured into my hair. It was nice, safe, somehow. His breath felt warm and comforting...but something was wrong.

I began to get sweaty, and hot like really hot. It felt like my throat was closing up, and I was finding it increasingly difficult to breathe. Everything began to go fuzzy and the room started spinning. My head pounded with a thousand drills and my hands and feet started to feel numb. Oh, did I forget to mention that I'm prone to panic attacks??

I'm prone to panic attacks.

In the back of my mind I could hear shouting. Desperate and begging. And Irish of course. It was Jack, I knew that, though distorted and distant, I could hear his voice guiding my mind back to the waking world. I felt his hands, one on my stomach, one on my head, to keep me stable, secure, safe. And somehow, it seemed to be working.

After a few minutes, everything seemed to calm down and I was breathing properly again, cuddling up into Jack's chest as he stroked my hair softly. Eventually Jack broke the silence.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry if ye' don't like t'is but...I'm taking ye' to see a t'erapist. It's for te' best."

"I understand." I stated flatly. Of course I didn't want to go see a therapist, but if I did, it would make Jack happy. So in a way, I had no choice. I wanted Jack to be happy.

Later on that night I had fallen asleep against Jack, I assume he must've carried me to my room myself. I woke up halfway up the stairs but stayed silent, still half-asleep. Just as Jack was going to put me in my bed, I cling onto his shirt and snuggled as far into him as I could. He seemed to get the message as he sighed light-heartedly, smiled and sat down on the bed first. He layed on top of the covers but pulled them over me as I snuggled into the crook of his arm. I smiled contentedly before falling asleep, my lullaby being the strong, soft beating of Jack's heart.

#Time skip to the morning. Brought to you by Lucky charms#

"(Y/N) Mcloughlin! Dr. Atkinson is ready for you now." The receptionist called out.

I stood up with a heavy sigh, and headed towards the office, dragging my feet on purpose. Jack layed a hand on my shoulder as we reached the door.

"Don't worry, everyt'ing will be fine, I promise."

"Well, I trust you, so, I guess it will be." I told him. He smiled at me for it, glad that I trusted him.

"But if he's a douche, I will dismember his limbs and rearrange them into the shape of a dick because he won't have one when I'm through with him."

That smile faded quickly.

"Just, cooperate wit' him, be nice and...try not to hurt or insult him. Please?"

"No promises." I said as I made my way in.

Now, imagine every cliché therapy office you've ever seen. Baldish old guy with round specs sitting behind a desk jotting down notes, with a few chairs at both far ends of the wall and another next to the chair that you'd lay down on. Well that's exactly what I'm seeing now. Except Dr. Atkinson, is not a baldish old guy with round specs. Dr. hot as fuck. I mean...dayum. Quiffed dirty blonde hair that almost seemed a cream brown, piercing green eyes but gentle like a forest, sharp features, slight stubble, dimples. I'll say it again. This guy is hot as fuck.

"Well go rahb maith agat, but, I'd prefer it if we kept cussing to a minimum." He said.

Shit. He heard me.

"I still can." He chuckled as he looked up at me.

Help. I wonder how old he is?

"I'm 22." He answered my meant-to-be thought.

Crap. Too old.

"Fraid' so. Plus I'm engaged. Now, would you like to take a seat or continue voicing your t'oughts?" He asked in a friendly manner.

I blushed and sat down in the chair on the opposite side of his desk.

"Okay, now unfortunately, we gotta start off wit' te' basics. Which is getting to know eachot'er, so we can a build a relationship and t'en hopefully and eventually, you'll trust me enough to open up to me and I'll be able to find a way to help you. Sound okay?" He asked.

"But I won't trust you."

"And why's t'at?"

"Because you do this with all of your clients. I'm no different. And now that I know your masterplan I'm gonna foil it. I won't tell you anything about me and I'll never open up."

"What if I told you somet'ing t'at your Father hasn't?"


"He's paying for t'is. Your treatment. $2,500 per session. Would you want his money to go to waste? Maybe he was saving t'at up for a special occasion? But now he's using it on you. Do you want to dishonour t'at?"

"Fuck you, you blackmailing prick."

"T'en let's get on with te' session."

I fucking hate this guy. How could do this to me? How could Jack hide it from me? And then this dickbag has the nerves to blackmail me, and I have to open up to him!? No fucking way...but then...I'll be hurting Jack if I don't. Fuck. I guess I've got no choice. I'm gonna have to cooperate with this prick.

He's still kinda hot though...

Shut up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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