Introducing My Adoption By My Hero

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Your POV:

Pinch me.

Sitting right in front of me...

Is Jacksepticeye.

This is possible how??

Finally collecting myself, I sit down in the chair opposite him and held my breath. It was actually him, sitting there, right now!! That was his green hair peeking out from under his grey cap. Those are his baby blue eyes, burning brightly into my own stone grey. And that's his smile beaming at me...oh

"Hi ter'. My name is Sean, but you can call me Jack if ya want ta'...oh and you can also breath now, if ya want ta'."

"Ok. Um, hi, Jack. I'm, (Y/N)."

"Cool name!"

"Thanks." I say shyly.

"I see you're a fan. Tat's' good ta' know."

"Oh, Uh, yeah of course. You, Uh, you're my hero."

"Hero!? Well ten', tat' took me ta' te' next level of boss."

I simply giggle quietly.

" it doesn't..." He said seriously. I gulped. "I can't get any more boss!!" He exclaimed.

That made me laugh out loud. It kinda sounded like a female Markiplier laugh. Weird. But awesome.

"Awe, your laugh is so adorable!!" He said, and I turned into a tomato. "My god, you're so cute!! I like you already."

"I've hardly said anything."

"Well, you're talking now aren't ya'?"

"But you don't know anything but my name?"

"Well ten', what's your favourite animal?"

"A cat."

"Favourite band?"

"You shouldn't ask that question, we'd be here for weeks."

"Alrighty ten'! How about, how old are ya'?"

"I just turned fifteen."

"When's your birthday?"

"12th of April."

"Happy Birthday!!"


"Favourite Youtubers, 1st ta' 5th?"

"Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Syndicate, RobertIDK, Captainsparklez."

"Awesome!! Okay, very important question, what's your favourite colour?"


"Really?? It's such a bleak colour."

"But it's in the middle of the darkest and brightest colours. It represents that I'm not always happy but I'm not always sad. I'm in the middle of everything. I'm not a good person, but I'm not a bad person."

"Tat' is, first of all, very poetic and beautiful, and secondly, makes a lot a' sense. But tell me, honestly, are ya' leaning closer towards light grey or dark grey."

"I won't lie. That's the only thing I won't do in this world. I'm more of a dark grey person. I can't help it, I guess you could call me...sick..."

"With what?"

"Bipolar disorder, depression and insomnia..."

"Does it bother you?"

"Not as much as it used to. I've learnt to live with it. Not cope, but live. I can control it to a certain degree."

"Alright, I'm just gonna say tis', right off te' bat, you're coming home with me."

"Wait, what, REALLY!!??"


"But, but why...why me??"

"Tere's' just...something about ya', I can tell. Tis' is fuckin' fate. Wait...are ya' okay with me cursing?"

"Fuck No!! That's some dirty bastard shit!!"


"You'd have to go to reception first, tell em' you want me, they'll get you to fill out the paperwork while I pack my shit. Then you get a certificate, write my name with your last name and I'm all yours."

"How do you know all tis'?"

"I've been adopted twice before"

"Tey' send ya' back?"


"What did ya' do?"

"I kinda sent myself back. First family thought I was gonna be a slave. I simply decorated their home with spray paint and facts of how slavery was abolished."

Jack suddenly burst out into laughter, and I couldn't help but laugh with him. His laugh is contagious. Seriously.

"Okay, okay!!" He calmed down. "What about te' other one?"

My smile then suddenly dropped. This wasn't a fun one to remember.

"Let's just say...he may have wanted he'll never have any..."

Jacks face then turned red again, this time, however, with anger, fury and rage. His bright blue eyes became dark and sinister. I never thought I could be scared of Jack, but I was slightly uncomfortable right now.

"If ya' ever see tat' bastard again, let me know, and I'll kill im'." He said menacingly.

He must have then seen the fear in my eyes as he then suddenly softened up and looked at me with a vague and confuses expression.

"I...I'm sorry. It's just...I hate tat'. It's not right, and it shouldn't happen. He didn't?..."

"No, I broke him. Inside and out. I feel sorry for his sperm though really, they'll never be able to escape."

"Eww, you're gross, but awesome. Well ten', I tink' it's about time we got tis' adoption sorted out don't ya'?"

"Yep!! I can't wait!!"

"Haha, well ten', off ya' go, I'll get te' papers sorted and wait for ya'."

Suddenly an urge took hold of me. Just as Jack reached for his own door at the opposite end of the room, I started running towards him. He must have heard me because he turned around. And as he did, I crashed into him with the strongest hug I could manage. I was so glad that he wanted to adopt me. That he cared about me even though he'd only known me for about twenty minutes. And the best feeling I got just then, was a warm, loving welcoming. And I knew that, because he hugged right back.

Now, time to pack up and ship out!!

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