Introducing My New Family

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Your POV:

Wow. So this is my new home? It's an apartment in the middle of Athlone. One bathroom. Two bedrooms. The Living room and kitchen are practically together. No garden...


This is pretty much a mansion compared to the other shitholes I've lived at. And it's pretty high up so I have and awesome view of the town. The river and docks are close by too!! I've never really been much of a fan of water, but maybe we could one day hire a boat and go fishing. Yeah, a girl likes fishing. Got a problem?? Take it up with my ass, he's the only one that gives a shit.

"You ready ta' go inside?" Jack asked.

I nodded, slowly but excitedly. I was to shocked, happy and breathless to speak.

"Oh, I gotta warn ya' first though, I maybe kinda set up a surprise for ya'" He admitted.

"What is it?" I ask innocently.

"Haha, nice try kiddo!! But that beats the whole element of surprise."

"Okay, okay. But just so ya know, if anything or anyone jumps at me, I will punch them." I warned.

Jack gulped sarcastically. Then opened the door to his apartment. All of the curtains were drawn and all the lights were off. Oh, someone is definitely going to get hurt. And it ain't gonna be me. Then, as soon as Jack shut the door...


Someone jumped at me, and I socked them in the mouth. Whoever it was hit the floor with a thud and groaned in pain.

"Jesus Jack!! Did you get one on steroids!?" The guy whined.

Wait...I'd recognise that voice anywhere...



Then the lights turned on. And what the fuck...all of my favourite youtubers were here!! Markiplier. Pewdiepie. Matthias. Jacksfilms. Syndicate. Captainsparklez. Cryaotic. Ryan and Matt. Wade. Bob. Sonja and Tucker. They were all here!!

"Jack?..." I said as excitement overwhelmed me and I began to feel a little dizzy.

Jack came over, after helping Mark to his feet, and laid a comforting and steadying hand on my shoulder.

"I invited everyone over ta' celebrate your arrival. I was definitely going to get a Daughter today, no matter who it was. And I'm very glad it was you. Most of tese' guys have to head home tonight but Mark, Pewds and Cry are staying over for a couple of days cause tey're' lazy dickbags."


"No problem. Now ten', we can get ya' settled in later but for now. LET'S GET TIS' PARTY STARTED!!"

Cheering and whooping erupted from all around and music began blasting Twenty one pilots into our ears. Tom and Tucker had already found their way to the pizza. Matthias, Jacksfilms, Ryan And Matt were talking over drinks. Jordan and Sonja were talking trash about Tom and Tucker. Bob and Wade were talking about how much they missed Mandy and Molly. Mark, Jack, Cry and Pewds were laughing merrily about one of Markiplier's earlier vids, Dreadhalls on the oculus rift and how he cried. (A/N: I cried just watching him play it myself. If you haven't seen it, go check that shit out!!).

I kinda just stood there awkwardly, trying to take it all in. I was adopted by my hero, Jacksepticeye. All of my favourite youtubers are here, and they literally just started partying. I mean...what??

"Hey (Y/N)?" Jack called, and I looked over to him. "Come on over."

I shyly shuffled over, earning some giggles and awes from the people around me. Damn. I was a tomato again. I stand next to Jack who maneuvered me to be in front of him with his warm and gentle hands resting on my shoulders. I craned my neck to look up at him, and he smiled gently back at me. Suddenly a fist flew at me, and I tensed up, anger burning in my eyes, my teeth gritting, ready to fight back. I closed my eyes, ready to take the pain. But, though I was ready for the hit, it never came. I opened my eyes to see Felix looking down at me with shock and concern. So was Mark, and Cry...and Jack. I then saw Felix's fist held out towards me.

"It's...just a Brofist...Bro??..."

"I...I'm sorry." I apologised, flashed a faltered and broken smile before gently returning the Brofist. "It's just...I'm used to people wanting to hurt me than anything else. I've always had to fight back so...yeah..."

"Awe..." Felix whined and shuffled over to hug me. Of course I returned the hug, who wouldn't!? And it was then joined by Mark Jack and surprisingly Cry.

"Don't worry." Jack said. "No-ones going ta' hurt ya' here. I promise."

"You got that right!!" Felix exclaimed.

"I'm with you guys." Cry added.

"We love ya kiddo. You're family now!!" Mark assured me. Love??

All these years, I've been such a douche. I never talked to anyone unless it was mean. But I never started a fight, I just finished them. I hurt people. I shut myself away from the world. I...I hurt myself. I've never had parents to raise me the right way. I don't know what love is, in any format. And maybe that's why I've been so shallow and cold. Why my heart is made of stone. And why I've shed blood to feel better. But the scars hold the memories. And those...I can't escape.

But now...I can make new memories. I've basically been given a second chance. And these new memories...they're gonna be good ones. I won't say I'm gonna change who I am, at least not instantly. Sometimes I like to be alone. And this character I've made of myself, she's all I've ever known. I can't change myself that easily, it'll take time. But with Jack and my new family...

I believe I can make it.

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