Introducing My New Job

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Your POV:

I snuffled my nose like a rabbit as I woke up, something I just do naturally, I don't even know why. I sighed, knowing that I'd have to get ready soon to line up for adoption. I'd never get picked so, like, what the fuck's the point?

I shuffled to get up when I then felt something warm wrapped around my arm, and heard a thumping noise in my ear as my head rested on my pillow. I carefully shifted my head to look at my pillow, where I then realised. Jack was my pillow!! I really did get adopted by my hero!? Awe, and he's so caring!! If his arm wasn't wrapped around me, I'd pretty much fall off the couch that we're laid on. And by we're. I mean Jack's got the whole couch, I'm practically resting on top of him, but he's also got his feet resting on Mark who's sat with his head thrown back, who's also, as I've just realised, is snoring quite loudly.

I hear a quiet mumbling from the floor below me, and look down to See Felix curled up with a blanket. Cry was pretty much spooning him. #Pewdiecry!! I chuckled softly, but didn't realise that it would be enough to wake Jack.

"Morning sweetheart. How'd ya' sleep?" He asked with a thick, groggy, morning voice.

"Better than I have in a long time I guess." I answered truthfully.

"Why's tat'?"

"I guess I just With you guys."

"Well, so you should squirt." Mark then woke up. "Family's gotta look out for eachother."

"Then I wonder how many times I'll have to comfort your arse after you get scared playing a video game?"

"...probably a lot." He admitted.

All three of us laughed at that one, instantly waking up Felix, who shot up, causing Cry to be flown back. Luckily I don't think they noticed they were spooning, or that would've been very uncomfortable.

"What the fuck bros!?"

"Sorry Felix." Jack apologised.

"Eh, it's whatever. As soon as I steal your cookies for breakfast."

"FUCK NO!!" Jack screeched, almost deafening me.

I hopped off of Jack as he went chasing Felix, who had nabbed his cookies and gone off running down the street.

"So." Cry came over to me. "You plan on becoming a youtuber now that Jacksepticeye is your Dad?"

"I'm...kinda already one." I admitted.

"Really!?" Mark exclaimed. "What's your name?"


"Why's it called that?" Cry asked, but not discriminating.

"To show that the heart and what it wants isn't always clear."

"Awe...that's so kawaii!!" Mark cooed.

At that point, Jack had walked in, triumphantly raising his box of cookies in the air. Felix followed close behind, his clothes dishevelled and a haunted look plastered on his face.

"Never...steal...Jack's...cookies..." He panted solemnly.

"So, did you wanna make a career out of it?" Cry asked.

"Career out of what?" Jack asked, protectively like a Dad.


"Awe, you're gonna be just like Daddy!!" Felix pointed out, putting his fists in front of his mouth like it was the cutest thing in the world.

" wanna be a youtuber?" Jack asked.

"Well, I've got a channel, a few videos and subscribers's never been anything big or important and...I was kinda hoping that you could help with that. You me to help others...will you?" I asked, almost begged.

"OF COURSE I WILL!!" He shouted. "My little Bosskin wants to be a youtuber. I'M SO PROUD!!"

"Well then." Mark piped in. "Should we get a start on it?"

"YEAH!!" We all cried out. Well, except Cry, who simply fist-pumped with hardly any effort. Well, that's cry for ya. And we love him as he is.

We all hurried off into Jack's office, careful not to tread on any wires and gadgets that were sticking out and spread about. Goddamit man. This place is a shithole. You're a grown man for...oh're Jacksepticeye...never mind!! Opening the app for Youtube login, I typed in my username: StAtIcHeArT and password: 1dayfinswilchaynj. I'm pretty proud of my password. And hey, it speaks the truth.

The first thing I noticed was that I had four more subscribers. I bet you can guess who they are. Yup. Jack, Mark, Felix and Cry. Then the numbers started climbing. But as usual, the internet will always be a little dodgy. So I clicked refresh. And whadya know!? I now have shot up to 2375 subscribers. I hit refresh again. 7830. And again. 17,294. You know what? I'm just gonna stop refreshing the page, and do this.

I turned around and dragged all of them into a hug. Tears of joy threatened to spill, but the shock of what had just happened kept them in.
"Thankyou much!!" I half whispered half squeaked. Then started shoving them away before it got too mushy. "Now get out!! I have to make a new video. And don't worry, I won't tell them I was adopted or anything like that. Just, out! Out! Out!" And with that, I shut the door on their shocked and confused faces. Yeah. I can be a sarcy little bitch when I wanna be. Now. Onto the video.

"Hello peoples. My name is (Y/N) and I'd just like to make this video, thanking you for all your support. I know most of you are here because four certain people have subscribed to me. But I can't tell you why yet. Anyway, now that you've subscribed, you've hopefully checked out my other vids and either realised "This kid is fucked up. Unsubscribe." Or. "Hey, this bitch is actually pretty cool." Either way, for those of you who like me, thankyou so much for all the support, I'll definitely be doing a Quick and A session soon. But for now, thankyou so much for watching, and I'll see you guys soon!!"

Phew!! I almost told them I was adopted. Glad I didn't spill that. Now. To upload the video. I clicked the upload button, which actually did it's thing pretty quickly. In about five minutes, the video was uploaded and I had a ton of comments hitting me. I scanned through them all. Some were nice. Some were mean. And the majority hardly made sense. Fucking autocorrect. I feel for these guys. Wait...hang on...oh shit!! As I scroll down, one comment stands out to me...

Isn't that Jacksepticeye's studio??...

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