Chapter Thirty-Two

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Eleven comes quickly and I lock up the store, stepping outside with Ava at my side.

Tasha is still leaning against the wall, unconscious. Ava laughs.

"He didn't even take the time to come get her." She says, shaking her head.

I nod. "He's doing her just like she did me. That's what she gets."

We walk to the car, getting in and driving away.

Ava let's me drive and I turn onto the main road, glancing over at her as she examines her appearance in the mirror above her.

"You look beautiful." I tell her, making her blush.

"Thanks." She tells me, closing the mirror and dropping her gaze.

Her phone dings and she picks it up, checking a message before locking it back and dropping it in her lap.

The remainder of the ride is silent while I think.

Ava doesn't seem so sure of her beauty, even when I tell her. I have the strange feeling that it has something to do with that Xavier guy and I make a mental note to get more of the story from her.

I pull into her designated parking spot and we get out the car, heading to the building.

I glance over at Ava. She seems so...distant right now.

"Good evening Mr. August and Ms. Aliguar." James speaks.

I give him a smile. "Hey James."

Ava, smiles slightly, but I can feel that it is forced. "Hi James." Her voice is quiet and I frown once we pass James.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, concern lacing my features.

She nods, but she doesn't look at me, telling me all that I need to know. Before I can question her again, she steps from the elevator and onto the tenth floor. I follow.

Once we reach her apartment, she heads straight toward her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

I stand at the front door, trying to figure out what set her off.

After ten minutes, I hear what sounds like sniffling.

With furrowed eyebrows, I follow the noise down the hall and to her bedroom. I knock on the door and wait for a response.

When I hear shuffling, I turn the knob and push the door open.

"Ava?" I call.

Still, I get no response. Ava is laying on the bed, her face buried in a pillow.

I walk over to her and sit beside her on the bed.

"Ava?" I call again.

She sniffles, but neglects to respond, making me slide closer to her. I don't say anything else, I just lay down beside her, facing her and pulling her close. She buries her face into my chest, her tears staining my shirt.

I rub her back and kiss the top of her hair. "It's okay." I tell her. "Just...tell me what's wrong when you feel like talking."

She looks up at me with red eyes and my heart breaks. "They're having a family reunion." Ava tells me. "In three days. And my mom wants me to go but...but Ali will be there and she's bringing Xaria and Xavier." She tells me. "I can't go Chres."

I frown and stroke her hair, keeping her close. "Hey, don't worry about that. Don't let it ruin your day, okay?"

She nods. "But I can't let my mom down." She tells me.

"Then we'll go." I reply. "You and me...together. I'll be there any and every second you need me."

She gives me a weak smile. "Are you sure?" She asks. "It's a four hour ride from here."

I nod. "That's fine. Four hours is nothing if I get to spend it with you."

She smiles again; a genuine smile this time. I lean down and peck her lips.

"If you need me to beat this guy Xavier's ass all you gotta do is say so." I tell her.

She giggles. "I love you."

I smile. "I love you too."

Before I know it, I am opening my eyes, squinting at the harsh sunlight.

Ava is still asleep in my arms and I inhale the smell of vanilla, pulling her even closer.

I lay there with her in my arms for a moment before sliding from her and standing from the bed.

As if she senses my lack of presence, her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me.

"Good morning love." I send her a bright smile and she smiles back.

"Morning." She replies.

I lean over, pressing a kiss to her lips. It gets a little heated and she pulls away.

"I have morning breath." She tells me.

"Ask me if I care." I return, pressing another kiss to her lips.


"So I talked to my mom and she wants us to come early. She's really excited to meet you." Ava says as we lay, cuddled up on her couch.

I glance down at her. "How early?"

"She wants to know if we can start driving today. She wants us there by tonight." Ava informs me.

I nod. "That's fine by me. How do you feel about it?"

She shrugs. "Doesn't matter, as long as I don't have to drive." She returns.

"So maybe we should go pack and I should go call of of work for the next few days." I say.

She nods and I make a move to get up but she pulls me back. "Not yet though." She says, nuzzling closer to me.

I smile and wrap my arms around her again. "That's fine. Whenever you're ready." I tell her.

Withing the next half hour Ava is asleep. I shake my head, fighting a smile as I carefully remove myself from the couch, heading for the bathroom.

I take care of my business and wash my hands before heading into the bedroom and starting to pack.

I finish quickly and find my phone, putting in a call to Mrs. Conway.

She answers, but her voice is low and she sounds sad.

"Oh, Chresanto. I'm glad you called. Mr. Conway and I wanted to tell you that you won't be needed anymore. We're really sorry but with all of Mr. Conway's hospital bills, the store just won't make it." She says.

I frown. "I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could help." I admit.

She sighs. "It's fine. Things happen for a reason. We'll miss you working there, you were always so sweet. And as a thanks, feel freebie come by and take any books you'd like."

I smile slightly at that. "Thank you Mrs. Conway, I really appreciate that."

"No problem. You take care. And do right by that beautiful young woman you've had on your arm lately. She's a keeper."

I smile wider. "I know she is Mrs. Conway. Thank you. Take care and tell Mr. Conway I'm praying for him." She thanks me and ends the call, leaving me to walk back out into the living room to wake Ava.

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