Chapter Forty-Six

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When Ava and I reach her parents' house, she uses the key she received from her mother and heads straight for the kitchen.

She finds a ziploc bag and takes the ice tray from the freezer, putting a few ice cubes in it before wrapping it in a paper towel and walking up to me.

She tips slightly to press the homemade ice pack to my jaw, where it stings a little when she softly places it there.

"You're probably gonna need to leave it here for a while." Ava tells me.

I nod and place my hand on hers on the ice pack. "That's fine." My eyes find hers, which have somehow shifted from their usual dark brown to a very light brown. "Do your eyes always change color like that?" I ask her.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Like...they're usually dark they're light brown." I tell her.

"I didn't think they did but I don't know. Maybe they just seem lighter." She suggests.

I nod. "I guess that could be it. I've just...I've never noticed it before."

"Me either." She replies but it seems as though she knows something I do not. "Did you eat while we were there?" She asks me.

I shake my head. "I got called to the game right away, remember?"

"Oh...right. Did you want me to fix you something?"

"You can pass me one of those plates we brought back." I suggest. "That would be nice."

She nods and takes her hand from under mine, while I continue to hold the ice pack to my cheek.

She unwraps one of the plates and takes a chicken wing from it before handing it to me.


*An hour later*

"Mmm....fuck." Ava moans out as I push into her from behind.

After I finished eating, we retreated to the bedroom, where Ava surprisingly made the first move.

And now, here we are, with her approaching her third high and me approaching my second.

After the first round, I did inform Ava that I hadn't pulled out but she didn't seem to care.

With that said, as I pushed deeper into her, earning whimpers and her trying to push me away despite begging me not to stop, I have no intention of pulling out.

And I didn't, releasing into her as she came down from her high.

I don't pull out immediately. Instead, I take a few seconds to just admire the woman beneath me. I run my fingers down her back and my hands find her ass, which I give a squeeze to before finally pulling out at a painfully slow pace.

Ava is exhausted, nearly panting beneath me as she falls to the mattress.

I make a move to stand from the bed but Ava reaches out and grabs my arm. "Don't go. I wanna cuddle with you." She tells me.

I smile. "I was just gonna get cleaned up. But okay...I'll stay. We can just shower together later."

I lay back down, pulling Ava close and letting my hands roam her body.

One of my hands dips between her legs and stays there while my other rests on her breast.

We are both under the comforter with the bedroom door locked.


I wake up half an hour later with Ava still laying in my arms. She isn't sleep, she's just...laying there.

"You okay?" I ask her.

She turns over and looks up at me. "Yeah. I just...I feel sick again. I think I ate way too much at the cookout."

I rub her back. "Like...gonna throw up sick or like stomach ache sick?" I ask.

"Like...stomach ache sick." She replies.

"Wanna turn the shower into a bath?" I ask.

"Only if you carry me." She replies.

I chuckle. "Okay. I'm gonna go start the water."

After I start a nice warm bath with lots of bubbles for Ava, I make my way back into the bedroom where Ava is still laying down, wrapped in the comforter.

I pull the comforter back and pick her up bridal style, carrying her into the bathroom.

After a nice bath, Ava gets dressed in a black camisole with no bra, and a pair of red shorts.

I wear a pair of black sweats and a wife beater. Ava ties her curls up into a messy bun and as soon as she finishes, she rushes back into the bathroom and empties the contents of her stomach....all four plates.

I rub her back as she finishes, trying to catch her breath.

She groans and slowly stands to brush her teeth. "I can't seem to hold any food lately." She mumbles.

"Yeah. Maybe we should get you to a doctor. You might be sick." I suggest.

She shakes her head. "I'll be fine." She tells me as she puts toothpaste on her toothbrush. "It's probably just a stomach bug."

I nod. "If it's still bothering you when we head back home then we'll go see a doctor." I suggest.

She nods but doesn't say anything as she brushes her teeth.

Once she finishes, she walks over to me and lays her head on my chest. "I feel like a cow with a fever." Sh groans.

I chuckle slightly. "What does that even mean?"

But when I touch her forehead, I find out. She is burning up.

" poor baby." I say, rubbing her back. "You wanna lay down and cuddle while watching movies?"

She nods. "Can you carry me?"

I smile and pick her up bridal style again. I carry her to the bed and set her down, grabbing the remote as I seat myself.

She climbs onto my lap with her legs on either side of me and her head on my chest.

She closes her eyes and I let my free hand rest on her back, rubbing it slowly.

Once I pick a movie, I set the remote down and pull the comforter over both of us.

"I'm sleepy." Ava tells me. "And I feel like I'm getting fat."

"You're not getting fat." I reply. "And if you're sleepy go to sleep."

She nuzzles closer to me, sliding her hands up my shirt and letting them rest by the waistband of my sweats.

"I feel sick." She whines.

I kiss the top of her hair. "Try and sleep it off. If you don't feel better in the morning then we'll skip the formal dinner to get you to a doctor."

She nods. "Okay."

"I love you." I tell her.

She smiles. "I love you too."

Soon, the only thing I hear is the movie that plays at a low volume on the television, and Ava's soft breathing.


Ava's feeling sick...hmm...

She threw up twice already.

Will she feel better in the morning?

What do you think is wrong?

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