Chapter 2

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I couldn't be bothered to wait for comments.


I woke up starving. There was absolutely nothing in the fridge. I frowned, then remembered that I had given it all to the Night Fury. Carefully, I peeled back my sleeve, to check the wound. I was alarmed to find that black veins had spread around it, but I couldn't go to Gothi. I pushed back my sleeve, and grabbed some money. Walking out into the market, I headed straight for the fish stall. I was pleased to find several baskets of fish. Buying two, I began heading towards the forest, unaware of five pairs of eyes watching me.

Astrid's P.O.V

"See! He's up to something!" I whisper-shouted to the others.
"Of course you were right, babe." Snotlout said, flirting with me again.
"Where is he going?" I muttered.
"Hey! Why don't we follow him?" Tuffnut said, grinning.
"That's not a bad idea." I said, rushing after Hiccup.
"Since when did we get listened too?" Tuffnut asked, surprised.


"Ok, bud, I got you some more fish." I heard Hiccup say. Who's 'bud'? I heard several loud roars, as the others caught up with me. As I peered over the edge of the cliff, I saw something horrible;
Hiccup was about to touch a Night Fury. Before he could stroke its nose, he stopped. For a second, I thought he had come to his senses, when I saw him clutching his arm in pain.


I dropped the basket of fish as I clutched my arm. It felt like it was on fire. I pulled up my sleeve, and saw the black veins spreading. The stretched across my entire body, like an intricate spider web. I dropped to my knees, and looked at the pool of water. My eyes looked a lot like the Night Fury's, except they were a lot greener. I was gasping for air now, and pain was streaming across my body. I could feel my spine changing, and growing. Something split out of my back, and, to my horror, I saw a large, black tail sweeping across the earth. My hands were changing now, into black paws. Grey claws shot out of them, and they grew scaly. The same was happening to the rest of my body. In seconds, I was no longer human; I was a Night Fury. The Night Fury smiled at me.
"Hello." He said. "I'm Toothless."
"Hiccup." I said, too shocked to say anything else. The pain was gone, and I couldn't feel anything any more.
"Uh oh." Toothless said, glancing upwards. I looked to, and saw Astrid climbing down towards us. I could see Fishlegs turning to run, and Ruffnut and Tuffnut closely followed Snotlout, who was following Astrid. They all age weapons or nets.
"Uh oh." I repeated.

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