Chapter 12

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(This may not be as accurate as the original argument scene)

"What were you thinking?" My dad asked me. We were in the Village Hall, and he was questioning me.
"Running off with dragons, taking Astrid with you and then disappearing for a month. A month!"
"Listen, dad, I'm sorry." I stammered, but he didn't look like he heard me.
"You mingle with the very creatures that have killed hundreds of us-"
"And we've killed thousands of them!" I burst out. "They don't even eat the food, there's this nest-"
"Did I say nest? I meant-" I trailed off at the sight of his face.
"All this time, there's been a nest, and you never told me?" He whispered. I'm in for it now.
"I... Yes, but only a dragon can find ... No, dad!" I shouted, at the sight of his face.
"I will do what I have to do to protect my people, traitor." He spat at me. I fell back, hurt. Without another word, he turned and walked out of the Village Hall.

Toothless' P.O.V

I can't believe it. Blackout, Meatlug, Terror. Everyone, captured. And now, I'm chained to this small, wooden thing, probably to be murdered. At least Blackout made my tail look realistic, so they didn't take it away.
"Alright, dragon." Spat a man who had just came on. "Lead us home." The wooden thing moved slightly, and we were off, going through the water. At least Blackout's still alive...

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