Chapter 4

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I woke up, to find Toothless staring at me.
"Aah!" I shrieked, jumping back. Toothless laughed, and I couldn't help laughing to.
"When you girls are done giggling, we could really do with some fresh air." Belch said.
"How do we get out?" Toothless asked. I walked into the corner, and squinted through the darkness. As a dragon, all my senses seemed to have improved.
"Here we go." I muttered, yanking down a small lever. The door opened up. It was night. Nevertheless, Toothless ran out. I followed, opening everyone else's doors. I gasped as a large, powerful-looking Monstrous Nightmare came out of one.
"I'm Hookfang." He said, extending a claw.
"He only trusts us." Said a female Gronckle, who I assumed to be Meatlug.
"Hey, I recognise your scent! You're the human I chased, remember?" He grinned.
"Good times." Suddenly, a green blur streaked past my head. It zoomed around a few times, before landing in the tip of my tail. I hadn't realised I had been shaking it this whole time; the Terrible Terror seemed to be struggling to stay on.
"Who are you?" I asked, lowering my tail. It wasn't as hard to control as I thought.
"I'm Terror." He said proudly. I noticed rows of small, sharp teeth in his mouth, and browny-black spines running from his forehead to the tip of his long, thin tail.
"Alright." Toothless said, catching everyone's attention. "We need to train Hiccup." They all turned to look at me.
"I can walk, and that's it." I explained.
"Well, we can teach you how to run, retract your teeth, breathe fire ... And fly."


"Human, coming in!" Terror exclaimed. Everyone rushed into their cages, and I followed. I recognised Fishlegs, carrying the book of dragons.
"This is going to be interesting." I muttered, curling my tail around my legs.

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