Chapter 1:

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30 minutes into the flight I finally woke up. i stretched arms & looked over to him.

"Sorry that I fell asleep on you." I laughed awkwardly. 

"it's okay, you look cute when you fall asleep." He smiled. 

He was watching me sleep... lowkey weird but cute.

"oh wow, seriously? I kinda got drool on your shirt"  I said trying to wipe it off.

"No Amelia it's okay."

Even though I met him today, he made me all types of ways in my stomach.

"Okay, can you at least tell me your name please, I mean we do have 2 hours more on the plane"

"Alright cutie, my name is Bryson."

His name is so unique, I couldn't stop repeating it in my head. It matched his personality and his style. I loved it.

"Bryson, that's such a cute name. I really like it"

"Well, I like yours. I want to get to know you."

* * *

We finally got off the plane and got off the terminal. I was kind of sad because it was fun talking to him. He was so kind, he carried my bags.

"Do you know where you are going Amelia?"

"Uh, yeah, hopefully. Do you?"

"Yeah. I come out here a lot, my hometown is Louisville, Kentucky. But I fuck with Florida too."

"So what were you doing in New York then?"

"I just went out there to visit. You know. Go sightseeing."

"Well if you ever go back to New York I'll take you to my favorite places."

"Yeah, same here" he smiled

We continued to walk to the area where we picked up our bags. I really like him. I've never liked someone so much before, he's different. He's not like my last boyfriend, Adam, worst decision I ever made. He treated me like shit. With him I always felt like I was nothing. I never felt like a princess. Even though I had just met Bryson, he felt different. I didn't get this weird vibe from him. I felt like everything was okay.

"Well, Bryson. It was nice meeting you. We should hang while we are both here."

Yay me for making the first move but I was scared for his response, I usually don't make the first move. But like I said, he made me feel comfortable.

"Yeah, fo' sure." 

We exchanged numbers and he helped me put my stuff in the cab. I waved to him goodbye and he did the same back. I texted my mom and my bestfriend Allie. Allie and I have been best friends for more than 8 years, she knew me better than anyone.

*text messages*:
Me: hey girly, I just touched down in Miami, it's beautiful here. Already met this fine ass guy.

Allie: shoooooooooooot!!!! Need deets.. what's his name?? How did you meet him so fast!

Me: well, I bumped into in the airport in ny and then it just carried on from there. Crazy. But he's so sweet and he just makes me smile unlike Adam. I hate even thinking about him.

Allie: well girl maybe this "Bryson" boy will help you get over Adam, but ttyl I got a cute new date !!!!!!!! keep me updated and I'll be out there to visit you soon ya dig love you to pieces boo💘.

Me: love you girly. Have fun. See ya crazy ass soon.

*End of text messages*
I finally reach my apartment. It looks so nice, the inside is beautiful. The view is amazing and the pool is so crystal blue. I start to unpack and try to get settled in. I couldn't stop thinking about that Bryson kid. He just pops in my head every other minute. I know I shouldn't even be falling for him hence I just met him like 10 hours ago. I'm just crazy. I hear my phone ring and I go over to the kitchen to see who it is. It was Bryson. I was so excited but I knew he couldn't hear the excitement in my voice or it would make me sound desperate.

"Hey Bryson, what's up?" i tried playing it off.

"Nothing really, I was just thinking of your voice"

I died a little on the inside but I had to keep it together.

"Oh really, what are you doing now" as I played with my curls.

"Getting the feel of my apartment, it feels different like I haven't been here in a while, cause you know I haven't. I even found my gameboy." You could hear the excitement in his voice.

"You still have one?"

"Yeah! Of course. I'm kind of a geek on the inside. I love old and new video games."

"Wow geeky Bryson. It's cute though."

"Yeah." He laughed a little. His laugh was so adorable. "So what are you doing tonight?"

"I'm going to try and settle in, get the feel of the place. I don't think I'm gonna go out tonight what about you?"

"Oh yeah, yeah. Same. You know try. And. Yeah. I don't know what I'm saying." 

I laughed a little he sounded so cute.

"Hey, I have to go but, call me again soon or maybe I will tonight." 

"Yeah, alright. Bye Amelia."

"Bye" I smiled as I looked at my phone. Oh man he was just so cute I just couldn't. I walk over to my couch and I check my phone it's a text message from Adam...

Soooo? How did you like the first chapter? I like the way it's set up. Comment and like 💖

Been That Way (Bryson Tiller) FanFic|| EditingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt