Chapter 21

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I don't think I have a picture up of Kayla yet haha. I will get it up soon though. but lemme just jump into the story


I had woken up to Kayla in the room just sitting on her phone. Thoughts started to fill my mind causing me to grab my head.

She got up when she seen me grab my head.

"Hey. You okay?" She asked.

"What are you doing here? Where's Bryson... where's my family?" I asked moving a little.

"Allie had to go and Bryson had to step out for a little."

"Oh. It was you earlier? Before all that happened." I asked her.

"Yeah. Actually I brought your daughter some cute clothes!" She said as she went over to grab the gift bag.

Why was she acting so nice. It was kind of scaring me after our last encounter.

"So I got it in a bigger size because babies grow. As you know. And I thought it would be smart." She added on as she smiled.

"Thank you. Very nice of you."

Although I couldn't come to terms with everything the clothing was nice. I appreciate her being here.

She smiled and went back to sit down.

God I was just ready to get out of here and just go home to my apartment and my baby.

Soon Bryson came through the door.

He waved at Kayla then walked over to me.

Kayla had gotten up to leave to give us space. Was she planning something deep down? Guess we'll never know.

"So guess what." Bryson said as he stroked my hair.

"What?" I said.

"You can leave tomorrow. Doctor said you're fine. I also have a huge surprise. " he said

I wondered what the surprise was and I was glad to be leaving tomorrow I couldn't bare to stay in this hospital one more day.


Today was the day I was leaving and I couldn't be more happier to leave. Especially with Harley.

"What's the surprise babe?" I asked him as we were in the car.

"What surprise?" He said.

I could see him smirking a little bit. I really just wanted to slap him but instead I laughed.

"Very funny Tiller." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks. I always wanted to be a comedian."

I said looked at him and shook my head. I turned back to look at Harley. Oh how beautiful she was.

We had finally arrived at our destination but it wasn't the apartment building.

"Bryson Djuan Tiller. Where are we." I asked getting nervous.

It was a huge house, looked like it could fit 30 people.

"A place." He said as he smirked.

"Wipe that smirk off ya face. I'm not playing with you where are we."

"New house. Surprise." He said as he did jazz hands.

"No. This can't be. Too big for 3 people bry." I said as I just stared at the house.

"Nah, I'm just fucking with you, it's a rental." He said as he started laughing.

"You can't just 'rent' a house like this. You have to buy it." I said.

I was getting mad because I didn't want him spending this much money, as I still wanted to live a simple life.

"Damn Amelia, I was just playing. This was the house I always wanted to buy."

"You can buy it when we aren't together. But for now, you ain't buying it."

"Take me home." I added

"See Amelia this is why I love you." Bryson said as he pecked my lips.

"Yeah whatever."

We ended up driving off heading back to my apartment because that is where the nursery is.

"Harley needs some food doesn't she, doesn't she." I said as I baby talked her.

I looked up to see Bryson standing at the door.

"Two beautiful angels." He said as I smiled.

"Indeed." I said as I looked at Harley.

   Everything that I ever wanted was right here. I couldn't be more happy.


Chapter 21 yaaaay. I'm doing better at updating. But I'm just getting these chapters out because I have something crazy planned for the book. You guys are gonna be like whaaaaaatt. I know I'm just whaaaaaat thinking about it lmao.

So these upcoming chapters may be short or long depending on how I'm feeling, like if I don't get writers block ya know. 

I'm ending this book soon, like
Maybe 30 chapters & then it's done? Idk. But I'll talk to y'all later

Love anon✨💛

Been That Way (Bryson Tiller) FanFic|| EditingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt