Chapter 11

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                      Excuse any mistakes...

                  One year later...

     Finally back in Miami. It never felt so good. I can smell the palm trees and the ocean. I think going back to New York was a good thing but also a bad thing. I missed Bryson so much, I couldn't even focus on the job I had there. I wondered how he was doing. We haven't talked since the day in the airport. He gave me a promise ring. I still have it on my finger till this day.

        Trapsoul has come out and he's rising. I'm so proud of him. He deserves everything in life.

I ended up posting to Instagram:

" xoxoamelia: so great to be back

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" xoxoamelia: so great to be back.😌"

I have no idea if Bryson was even still in Miami since he does travel now. I would just really like to see him.

I had soon gotten a call from Bryson. I picked up immediately.

"Hey, you're back from NY?"

"Yes I am, here to stay. What about you?"

"LA. Just working on a couple of things. I don't think I'll be in Miami anytime soon you know."

I couldn't  even say anything back. It's like he's changed. Should I ask him about the promise rings? Should I even ask if he still loved me? All these things were racing through my mind.

I blurted it out anyway. "Do you still wear your ring Bryson?" I never call him by his full name only when I am mad at him.

No answer for a couple of seconds. I hear him sigh. "Yes. Yes I do. It's the only thing I have that reminds me of you."

I smiled a little. "Yea, me too."

"Hey, I have to go but it was nice catching up with you. Talk to you soon okay?"

He didn't even say my name. Something he usually does. We could talk for hours and not get tired of each other. I'm just getting the feeling I should just go back to New York. I walked into my building and went to the elevator. Why does everything feel so different. I opened my door to see roses. My favorite kinds too. The white ones.  I walk over to them and I read the little letter.

     It reads:

     Your parents told me you would be back today. I just had to fly down here for you. I've never stopped loving you and never will. Like I said Amelia, I will always love you. I'm in here somewhere. Just look.

Been That Way (Bryson Tiller) FanFic|| EditingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt