Chapter 23

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Excuse any mistakes...


I had woken up to smelling pancakes. Everyone knows how much I love pancakes. So I got freshened up and went downstairs.

"Smells good." I said.

"Harley made it." Bryson said as he was cracking the eggs.

"Ya mommy I did. Daddy is teaching me to crack eggs." Harley said jumping up and down.

"You're gonna be a good chef baby." I said as I wiggled her nose.

We sat at the table and it was super quiet. Part of me just wanted to forget all of this and the other part of me just wanted to stay mad.

I ended up breaking the silence.

"Anything new with the music?" I asked him.

"Tour soon." He said as he was still looking at his plate.

"When? So you know I can just prepare."

"I'll let you know." He got up and left the table.

I put my fork down and rubbed my forehead.

"Wanna go watch some tv while mommy talks to daddy?" I asked Harley as she nodded and went into the living room.

I got up from the table and walked over to his room where he was laying on his bed.

"Can I come in?" I asked hoping he wouldn't yell at me.

"Yeah come in."

"So..." I said as I was leaning on the drawer.

He still sat quiet. I was getting mad because he was ignoring me.

"Listen, you should have never left the table. Harley was there."

"Maybe I was done with my food. You don't know that. Seems you don't know anything now."

Words couldn't describe all the things I was feeling right now. Could of swore my heart fell out my mouth.

"You know what fuck you." I said as tears were rolling down my eyes.

"You hurt me." I added.

"Yeah, well you hurt me too. You took Harley and just left. I don't care if it was for a modeling job you could of went alone." He said coldly.

"But did I cheat like you did?" I asked my anger was fueling up.

"I'm sorry if she was there for me! It happened in the moment. What do you want me to do!" He yelled.

"Shit Amelia. Always something. Yes I did cheat. Yes I found a new friend. Did I do anything with her no. Fuck man."

"Get out." I said. I wasn't having it. I was done.

"Gladly." He said as he got up from his room.

"Don't even think about coming back either." I said even though I didn't mean it.

Been That Way (Bryson Tiller) FanFic|| EditingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt