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Hey peeps! I wasn't tagged by anyone, but I would like to get one started! I'm going to come up with ten questions, and I would like all of you to answer! Ready? GO!

1) Do you watch anime? If so, what shows?

2) If you could be any character from any fictional universe, who would it be, and why?

3) If you could go to any fictional universe you wanted, but were to be the opposite gender, would you?

4) Do you have a favorite band/musical artist? If you do, what is your favorite song by them?

5) What fandoms do you belong to?

6) What is your best memory?

7) Relationship status? □Single □In a relationship □Mentally dating a fictional character/celebrity

8) Do you ever watch YouTube? If you do, what is your favorite channel to watch?

9) Do any of you like KPop? Any of you at all? It's probably just me, lol.

10) Do you have any published stories, and if so, can I read them?

Alright you guys, that was just a little fun thing to keep y'all entertained. I hope that some of you answer these in the comments. There is an update in progress, so don't you worry your little heads! Peace off peeps! BOOP!


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