2: Michael

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He doesn't get it. He doesn't see or understand why everyone seems to adore, love even, luke fucking hemmings.

The tall lanky boy is clumsy, seemingly stupid, makes bad or lame jokes, and not that funny. So why does everyone like him more than michael?

Michael narrowed his eyes, hissing under his breath as calum and ashton laughed at something luke said. He didn't even bother to listen to luke, it was most likely dumb anyways.

He was just a little thicker than luke, but he was a damn good looking guy. He dressed better than him, and was even smarter than him. So why didn't people like him as much as luke?

Michael grumbled under his breath with a sneer as he gulped down the last of his milk. He hated how he had to share the table with luke.

Calum was HIS friend, one of his only friends, a best friend, so why did luke always have to be around him? Luke had just about everyone else.

"Just leave already" Michael grumbled harshly under his breath, not expecting anyone to hear.

"What?" Calum asked. Michael glanced up seeing all three of the boys staring expectingly at him

"What do you mean what?" Rudely asked michael, narrowing his eyes at luke, trying to intimidate him.

"You said something. What was it?" Calum asked, eyeing michael. He loved michael like a brother, but he hated it when he was being an ass to luke. No matter how hard he tried, luke and michael rarely got along.

"I said I'm going to go smoke." Hissed michael as he stood up, collecting his trash.

"I really don't think you sho--" Luke tried to say but was rudely interrupted by michael, "Well no one asked you, twigs."

Michael grabbed his tray and marched off to the trash. He dumped the tray on the top and headed straight out the cafeteria doors.

The school court yard was refreshing, even if it was full of other kids having their lunch.

Michael made his way along the side of the building, knowing the perfect spot to be able to hide and smoke. Like always, he wanted to be alone, even if he craved for attention.

Once he knew he was out of sight of the pesky teachers, michael leaned against the brick wall. He pulled his pack of cigarettes out from his pocket, grumbling to himself in a high pitched mocking tone.

"Luke is so cool, I don't see why you don't like him. Luke luke luke" Michael was repeating the words calum had said to him many times before as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

He brought it to his lips to take in an inhale. He slumped more against the wall and blew out the smoke at the air.

His eyes followed the drift of the smoke, watching it be taken away by a cool breeze.

"What's your problem this time?" Asked calum as he turned the corner, heading for michael.

Michael lowered his gaze to eye calum, knowing he was going to nag him for his behavior towards luke. So, instead he pulled out a cigarette and handed it to cal.

"Hes just, hes, he's annoying calum!" Complained michael with a small whine.

Calum rolled his eyes, lighting the cig before also leaning against the wall. "No. He isnt."

"Yes. He is!"

"Oh yeah? Name one thing, then mike. One valid thing." Challenged calum.

Michael's mouth parted as he took a deep breath, ready to do exactly that. But then it hit him, he couldn't tell calum.

He knew calum wouldn't understand that he hated how luke was always with them. How he hated how popular, and good lookin he is. He even hated the way calum looked at him.

Smirking, calum blew out a puff of smoke. "See. You cant"

Michael narrowed his eyes. "He's retarded!" He blurted out the words. It wasn't like michael to make fun of someone's mental state, but he had to say something.

Calum frowned, looking at michael in disappointment. " He is not retarded mike. Even if he was, that would make you an ass to hate him for it. "

Michael pressed his lips into a thin line, getting frustrated. He dropped his cigarette to the ground, stomping it out. "He isn't even funny. He's kind of annoying. And..and his hair is stupid!"

Calums frown grew into a grin, was his best friend jealous? Michael paused when he saw the grin spread across calums face.

"Fuck. You. Fuck it, I'm going home!" Michael shoved past calum to head back in to collect his things. He was done with school, he needed to get away. To get away from luke and his adoring fans.

"Skipping again mike? " Calum called out before michael turned the corner.

Michael looked back at calum and stuck his middle finger up. Calum just laughed, "see you later michael!" He called out, knowing he was going to go over to his house, like he did almost every day after school.

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